Page 11 of Ex-SEAL Billionaire

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My throat tightens, remembering Mom gushing about the intricate world Grace was building through words. There wasn’t a day that she wasn’t encouraging her. Both our parents were extremely proud of her dedication to writing.

If only they could be here now . . .

“It's not fair,” I whisper, tears springing up. “Mom and Dad won't get to see what an amazing writer you've become.”

Grace makes a choked sound, and I instantly regret the dark turn in conversation. “I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have?—”

“No, it's ok,” Grace replies thickly. “I was thinking the same thing. I just wish they could be here.” She takes a shaky breath. “Mom always said everything happens for a reason, according to some grand plan. But I still don't understand why they had to be taken in that freak car accident.”

“I miss them terribly.” My own grief bubbles up. I roughly swipe at my eyes. No more tears. I’ve done enough of that.

Then I remember again the night with Jack and waking up alone, the embers of our fire dark and cold.

I looked for him for the rest of my hike. Part of me hoped each bend would reveal his tall, sturdy frame, that crooked smile warming me more than the rising sun. As I was boarding the bus to the city two days later, I was still convinced he would appear at the last moment. But he never did. He was gone, as indifferently as he dismissed our connection today.

If I’m honest, I can’t be mad at him. It’s not like he didn’t warn me.

Relationships are not my thing, he said.

And I agreed to it willingly.

I shake my head, clearing away the memories. “It makes no difference what Jack Whitmore does,” I declare fiercely. “I'm here for you and Aria now. You two are all that matters to me.”

After all, I would withstand anything for my sisters. Even an icy boss intent on making my life miserable.

Grace makes a sound of agreement. After a moment, she asks tentatively, “So, uh, any chance tall, dark, and brooding out there can be swayed by that signature Maddie charm?”

I bite my lip, mind swirling with heated memories. My pull toward him hasn't faded, even if his feelings clearly have. I have half a mind to burst back into the conference room and pick up where we left off in that moonlit cave.

Except this time, I imagine I would not let him slip away so easily.



I slam my office door hard enough to rattle the pictures on the wall. Three swift strides carry me behind my mahogany desk, where I bracingly grip the edges.

Damn that woman.

I knew Maddie Emerson spelled trouble from the moment I chased that bear away. All flashing hazel eyes and legs for days. Being noble flew out the window real fast when she slipped those soft hands up my chest.

I brush my palm through my hair, remembering her trying to hold onto it while I was kissing every inch of her tight body. The cut is a bit longer than what I used to have in the Navy, but still shorter than most men wear it in the city nowadays.

I never should have let it get so far with her. I was this close to giving in, every cell in my body screaming to damn it all to hell and allow myself to feel her wrapped around me.

Only a soldier can muster that kind of self-control. If I had given in, there would have been no return from it. She would have gotten attached and started dreaming up happily ever afters I can’t possibly give her.

And I would have lost my mind.

Even if I was still whole, it would have been a bad idea. I’m almost fifteen years older than her.

So, I did the responsible thing. What was best for both of us.

Walked away.

But man, that felt shitty.

I haven’t regretted anything so much in my life as leaving her sleeping by those dying embers.

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