Page 47 of Hammer

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“Love where you set down roots,” I tell him. I look out the window of the small café. This place looks a lot like our town.

“Following my mentor’s plan.” He laughs, and I join him. Hawk and I have been friends for a long time. Years ago, I asked him to join Satan’s Pride, but even then, I knew Hawk was destined to be a leader. So, when he asked for my guidance in setting up his own club, I gathered the leaders of the surrounding clubs and we became his mentors. It was finally time for Hawk to fly solo, and we’re all impressed with the results.

“Glad you could come see me off,” I say.

“Where’s War?”

“He’s talking to his wife. I’ll bring him back something. He’s anxious to get home.”

“You could have stayed at the club. You’re always welcome, you know,” Hawk says.

“Definitely, but you’re making additions and are under construction. Next time, I promise.” Hawk wanted us to stay over, but it would have been a strain on his guys, and they’re already tight. The Redemption Riders finally have enough money to add a second floor onto the compound they’ve built, and the place is a madhouse. They’re doing a lot of the work themselves. Risk has been down to help with the designs and make sure the plans pass inspection.

Hawk and his men have always made their home at our compound, and not reciprocating makes him unhappy.

“I’m holding you to that,” he says. “Let’s order. We don’t want to make War wait any longer than he needs to.” He calls the waitress over by name. Liana was born and raised in town, and it seems she’s well acquainted with Hawk.

Liana has a thing for Hawk, but it’s obvious that it’s not reciprocated. She brings our coffee, making sure to brush up against Hawk, and does the same when she brings our food.

“She’s got a thing for you,” I tell him after she goes back behind the counter.

“Good woman, but not my woman,” he responds, taking a bite of his scrambled eggs.

“You should get one. Ava’s the best thing that’s come into my life,” I reply.

“Not too many Avas around. But I’ll keep looking.”

Suddenly, the door bursts open, and a woman rushes in, only to be yanked back when a hand reaches out to grab her arm.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me,” a tall, very fit, and very corporate-looking man shouts. There’s not a blond hair out of place on his head, and I can tell he’s the guy who goes to the gym every morning to look good.

The woman shrugs him off and pulls away.

“Divorce means I can do whatever I like. You should know, Robert, since you’re a lawyer. A lawyer who was fucking his secretary in our bed. What part of we’re over do you not understand?” the spunky redhead with vibrant green eyes retorts furiously.

I glance at Hawk, who’s taking in the entire scene, but there’s a spark in his eyes I’ve never seen before.

I’ve got a feeling this is the start of something new.
