Page 36 of Hammer

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He doesn’t hesitate to pull out. I don’t like it, but when he gently turns me over and arranges me in the center of the bed, to adjust the pillows for my ankle, I understand that, with Hammer, it’s all about me.

He disposes of the condom and slides back into bed with me, bringing me into the crook of his arm.

“Um, Hammer?”


“I’m thinking that your idea of punishment isn’t going to work.” I smile against his pec.

“I kind of noticed that.” He plays along. ”I may have to up my game. Tie you up, fuck you over and over. We’ll see what I can come up with. Of course, you’re a very good girl, so I can’t see that happening,” he teases.

The idea of Hammer tying me up should scare the life out of me, but it has the completely opposite effect. I trust my man more than anyone. I know he would never hurt me. I can’t imagine sex getting any better than this.

“Sweetie, I’m not always a good girl,” I say with a sly grin. Being bad can definitely be worth it.


Part Two of the Plan


Three weeks later…

Francesca is almost back to normal and has immersed herself in the task of finding money for both the youth shelter and the local school system. She could donate the money outright, but I convinced her that a sense of community comes from getting involved and learning all you can about the cause.

Today, she’s with Camille and Steady on their way to the youth shelter that Steady’s brother runs. He started off as a social worker and has worked himself up the ranks to run it all. With that title comes a lot of responsibility, and one of the biggest is keeping the place open with such limited financial resources. The club helps out in many ways. Risk does free repairs to keep the place up to code and looking like a place of hope and not a prison. Saint and Camille give their time to make sure they have some kind of access to medical assistance. Demon, War, Guard, and I have become mentors to those who have reached out needing guidance.

I didn’t want to at first. What did I have to offer these kids? That’s when Steady said, “Stability. These guys didn’t have that growing up, and they sure as fuck didn’t understand how to make it happen on their own.”

This all started when we were over at Steady and Camille’s place for dinner a week ago. What started as a simple dinner where Francesca could snuggle with Kyrian, their adorable son, turned into a family affair, with his brothers and parents coming over for a visit.

One thing led to another, and now Francesca has made it her mission to set up several fundraisers to help out. She’s already spoken to Sofia and has asked her American companies’ CEOs to incorporate the shelter into their community giving programs. Francesca’s immediate goal is to raise money for this shelter, but she wants to take this further.

This spurred Izzy to take action in funding an afternoon program for parents who wouldn’t normally be able to afford the cost of an afterschool program. A debate ensued about which issues were more important in the school district. With inflation at its worst and the wages staying where they are, many families are struggling to feed their families. Many kids are coming to school with very little in their lunch boxes, and although the teachers are helping out by providing emergency healthy-snack bins, there isn’t enough being done.

Francesca was appalled. She was brought to tears when she heard about an older sister coming down to the first-grade room to give half her sandwich to her kid brother after he told her at recess that his tummy hurt because he was still hungry.

I couldn’t stop Francesca from writing out an immediate check to make sure there were enough snacks for the month. And she’s all over working with Izzy on fundraising initiatives for the school too.

“Babe, remember, your job today is to assess the situation and find out what the shelter is all about. Throwing money at a problem is going to be just a Band-Aid,” I tell her over the phone, as I’m walking into the club.

“I know,” she says.

“What you’re doing is amazing. I’m proud of you.”

Her tone goes soft, and I can imagine her tilting her head to one side with a shy grin, as she always does when I compliment her. “I want to help,” she says sweetly.

“Bringing awareness is the way to go. The more people who know that these situations exist, the more they can do something about it. Many hands make light work.”

“Love you,” she murmurs.

“Back at you, baby.” I’m in the middle of the compound, and my brothers are staring at me. They overheard what I said, and I’m about to get teased, but I don’t give a fuck. I put the phone back in my pocket and set my hands on my hips to wait for it. “Go for it,” I invite.

I get nothing back. Guard finally breaks the silence, “We’ve got a couple of orders of business to talk about. Let’s get this meeting started.” He leads the way to the meeting room.

Priest throws an arm around my shoulders. “We’re happy for you, man.”

As we enter the room, three young men join us. I’ve seen these guys around. Two have been hanging around Demon and War, and the other was spending most of his time with Saint.
