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Maybe Scotland wasn’t trying to flirt, but it still felt like it. Clint forced himself to relax. “Not really. Some glamping trips in cottages and the like, but rarely out in the tent. I’m not very good at the whole ‘no electricity’ thing. Not much of a boy scout, either.”

Clint set his fork on the table, leaning back in his chair. “There’s no way I can fit another bite.” He rubbed his belly, which was full and stretched. He could go for a nap and Scotland would clean up, but that wouldn’t be fair. “I’ll do up the dishes.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Scotland, copying Clint’s movements. “You’re a guest. And besides, there is a dishwasher.”

Asshole. The type that wanted to cater to his every need had never been his type. It always felt a touch unbalanced to him.

“I wasn’t actually asking a question,” said Clint, raising one brow as he grabbed his plate and utensils before heading to the kitchen sink, which was only a few steps away. Depositing his stuff on the counter, he returned for Scotland’s dishes.

Scotland reached for him, grasping Clint’s wrist as he went to retrieve the plate. Biting back his gasp at the contact, Clint tugged his arm, nearly whimpering when he wasn’t able to break free. What’s he playing at? I…can’t.

It felt good to be powerless again. He didn’t let his eyes flutter shut, no matter how tempted he was.

“I can’t quite figure you out, Clint,” said Scotland, turning Clint’s wrist over in his grasp. His hold was tight, his finger digging deep into Clint’s bones. The whimper was real as Scotland shifted his hold, forcing Clint a step closer.

“Do you want me to cherish you or did you want me to push you against the wall and fuck you, no matter what you have to say about it?”

Where the hell did that come from? He was pretty sure Scotland had been just another sweet guy a moment before, but now he was pushing buttons that hadn’t been pushed in a long time.

“Traffic light system?” asked Scotland, standing from his chair without letting Clint go. This is going so fast. He wasn’t at the club. He hadn’t even had anything to drink, but his head was already swimming.

Clint swallowed dryly, not sure where to look. His skin prickled, a fire building in his gut that wouldn’t be hidden for long with the way his pants were hanging so loosely.

“Yeah.” Shit. Am I doing this? “J-just let me do the dishes first.”

There was no way. Absolutely no fucking way he was getting laid tonight. His cock twitched as Scotland gave his wrist one last squeeze before letting go.

“Of course.”

I could resist, but… It had been a while—too long. And it would only be once. Next time he’d have his guard up. Fuck it. Yeah, it was going down.

He grasped the plate, ignoring Scotland’s smirk as he turned back to the sink and started up the hot water. A few drops of soap later and he plunged the dishes into the little clouds of bubbles.

When he felt the tell-tale tickle of Scotland’s breath on the back of his neck, he let out a shuddering gasp, slipping his hands beneath the surface of the water as the cool fabric of Scotland’s T-shirt touched his back.

“L-let me do the dishes,” said Clint. A plate nearly slipped from his grasp. His voice sounded so meek that he wanted to pause and slap himself across the face. But he was already getting lost, the submission sliding over him like it had never left. I can’t let myself get too deep.

“I won’t stop you,” said Scotland, setting his hands on Clint’s hips. He curled his fingers, running them over the little dip on the inside of Clint’s hips.

His skin prickled, his spine going rigid at the sensation that was so strange yet familiar. Scotland moved his fingers, teasing the edge of his pants until they slipped lower. The drawstring had already accidentally untied itself at some point, and they were barely hanging on.

“Keep washing,” said Scotland. A moment later he pressed his lips to Clint’s neck.

It was too good. The heated touch of soft lips against one of his most sensitive spots made him lose his breath and his mind, all in one instant. He tilted his head, giving Scotland access as he deepened the touch into something with just a hint of teeth and pain.

“I don’t ask a second time, Clint.” Scotland dragged his teeth over the sensitive tendon before biting down into Clint’s shoulder.

Clint hissed, grabbing the dishcloth and scrubbing it against one of the plates a few times. Water splashed on his front and over the edge of the sink at his enthusiasm. He jerked as Scotland bit him a second time, harder and close to breaking skin.

“Do you know how much bacteria is in the human mouth?” asked Clint, twisting as Scotland nipped the back of his neck before gentling his kiss. “You can bruise me but don’t draw blood.”

Scotland chuckled, rubbing the tip of his nose along the top of Clint’s spine. “You’ll survive.”

With that, he sank his teeth into the meat of Clint’s shoulder, the sharpness digging deep. Scotland had always seemed so sweet and nice, if not a little desperate. I didn’t know he had this in him. If Clint had known, maybe he would have given in sooner. No. It’s just this once.

“Fuck.” Clint dropped the plate into the suds, clutching at the counter as his knees went weak. It had been too long since he’d ached like that. His gut throbbed, his track pants giving everything away beneath the lip of the counter.

Keep washing. Scrambling for the plate, he gave it a few more rubs before tossing it into the drying rack. Suds flicked over the counter, a bit splashing onto the ground. So much for cleaning up. The sting faded to a throb, splitting into two as Scotland bit him again.
