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One eyebrow flicks up. “I’m cruel for going dark on you for a few measly days? Katerina, you disappeared for fucking years.”

That hits me like a bolt to my chest.

“You’re right. I shouldn’t have said that. But is this really why you’re here? For revenge? To punish me?” I ask in frustration.

He gets to his feet, stalking around the desk before leaning down in front of it. He crosses his arms over his chest.

“Believe it or not, I have no desire to punish you. I couldn’t care less about you.”

Well, that hurts. But its pain I deserve.

“Okay,” I nod. I walked in here intent on not getting into a fight or arguing with him. He holds all the cards right now and if I have to play docile lamb to get what I want then so be it. “I get that too.”

His eyes narrow. “You’re being way too agreeable.”

My hands go up over my head, “What do you want from me?”

“I already gave you my terms, princess. You’re the one unwilling to accept.”

“Oh you mean the unfair deal where I gain next to nothing?”

He shrugs. “Take it or leave it. But I’m not giving you what you want.”

I take in a deep breath, glad that his office has blinds and the door is shut. We have privacy but I’m not sure what else to say, I look around, cataloguing the room. It’s huge and new. The entire building is, considering it has only just commenced operation.

There’s a plush set of couches in the center of the office and I walk towards them, taking a seat. When I look back at Xander, he seems slightly amused. He pushes off the desk and takes a seat on the couch farthest from me.

“There has to be something I can do. Please, I just want to see him,” I say softly after a couple seconds of silence.

“And then what?”

“What do you mean?”

“You just want to meet him once and then you’ll stay away from him? Never approach him again.”

I stay quiet. I can’t answer that question in the affirmative. He offers me a smile, it’s not in any way friendly.

“That’s exactly why I can’t say yes, Katerina. If I do then it’s just giving you an opening to worm your way into his life. And then you abandon him again.”

My jaw clenches. “I would never do something like that again.”

“And I’m just supposed to take your word for it? The answer is no. Nothing’s going to change my mind.”

I swallow softly, changing tactics.

“This is all because you don’t trust me,” I say gently. “What if I found a way to prove to you that I’ve changed? That I’m not that person anymore.”

“It isn’t just about trust,” he says sounding frustrated. “You sit there, talking about change and I barely even knew who you were before.”

“You can get to know me. Ascertain for yourself exactly how my presence in your son’s life will affect him.”

He arches an eyebrow. “You mean one meeting. I’m not letting you into his life, Katerina. No way in hell.”

Baby steps.

“Just please, give me a chance. I’m literally begging you, Alexander. You might not know me and you might not be able to trust me but you and I both know I never beg.”

“Yeah but I hold all the cards now. You’re at my mercy.”
