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“I’m looking for investors,” I inform the Don.

Katerina has sidled up beside me, “Opportunistic,” she says under her breath.

I don’t miss it. I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

“It’s called being a business man, baby. I have to milk every chance I get.”

Roman nods in understanding. “I’ll get in touch with you. We can work out the terms for my investment.”

“Thanks man. You want to go another round with Kat?” I question.

“Actually, I think I’m just going to leave. My ego’s taken enough of a hit. It’s pretty humbling, the fact that I can’t seem to beat any of you.”

“How about Tony? I bet you could beat him.”

Katerina’s brother in law, while a great person, tends to take everything and anything as a joke. He’s never serious. It’s pretty endearing. I’ve only met him once, but I like him, despite the shadows of darkness I know lie beneath his character.

Beside me, Katerina snorts at my suggestion. Roman grins.

“What?” I ask.

“I once watched Tony throw a knife at someone and hit him right in the chest. That someone is Rico and Tony was somehow able to throw the knife with enough precision and calculation that it wouldn’t be a fatal wound,” Katerina informs me

“That’s insane,” I say, trying to imagine the incident.

Throwing a knife on target is a scary skill. One I’m sure not a lot of people possess.

“It’s Tony. Insane is practically his middle name,” Roman chuckles.

Katerina looks up at m, “Rico still has the scar to prove it.”

“I’ll ask him to show it to me some time,” I joke.

We talk for a few more minutes before Roman suddenly falls quiet.

“I almost forgot to tell you, Katerina. I received a report yesterday.”

“About?” Katerina prompts.

“Apparently a man claims to have sighted Sokolov in one of the underground boxing rings.”

As soon as he says the name, the smiles on our faces melt. Katerina stiffens and I notice her growing paler.

“He’s in New York?”

“That’s what this man claims but I’m not so sure. He’s still a Boss in the bratva, Katerina. What would he be doing in an underground boxing ring? And I looked into him a little, the man’s a little unhinged and he thrives on attention. If he was in the city, he would want us all to know. I’m not completely sure what the history is between the both of you but I don’t think we have anything to be worried about.”

“Of course,” Katerina nods. “Thank you for telling me, Roman.”

He inclines his head respectfully before saying good bye and leaving. Once he’s gone, I stand in front of Katerina, placing my hand under her chin to tilt her head up.

“Hey, you still with me?” I ask softly.

She inhales a shaky breath. “Yes. Yes I am. Roman’s right. If he was in New York, we would know. I have several programs up and running, alerting me about everyone of importance that arrives in the city from Moscow. He’s not here. If he was here, I would have known.”

She sounds like she’s trying to convince herself more than me. I lead her towards the car, because it’s clear she won’t be able to get anything else done today. When we arrive back at the penthouse, I go straight to the kitchen to make her a glass of hot chocolate.

I hate that she can be formidable in literally every other area, but when it comes to that bastard, she seems to crumble. Even the mere mention of his name has her shaken up. It’s clear she went through so much more during her time with him that she’s unwilling to talk about.
