Page 53 of When We Collide

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“Zander?” Scotty scrambled off the bed, going to him and laying a hand on his back. “Zander.”

“I didn’t…” When Zander lifted his head, his eyes were sad. “I didn’t think it would hurt this much.” He glanced between Vince and Scotty. “I know you don’t like this. I fucking hate it, but I would rather die than have you hurt. And I would rather you two be out there safe and hating me than to know I was selfish and did something that led to you getting hurt or worse.”

“We don’t hate you.” Vince closed the distance between them, stroking Zander’s ticking jaw. “I don’t hate you.”

Zander’s throat seemed to convulse. “I want you. Don’t you ever fucking doubt that,” he said fiercely. “I want you in my life and if I could, I would. But I want you to be safe. I need you alive.” He visibly shook.

Scotty wrapped both arms around him. Vince did too. Zander clung to them, his breaths loud and harsh as he battled his emotions.

“It’s the right decision,” Scotty murmured. “I wish it wasn’t, but it is.” Maybe the full gravity of this moment would hit him harder later. Maybe the calm inside him was simply a delayed reaction. It didn’t matter.

If these were their last few moments together then they might as well make it count. He released Zander and stepped back, pulling his t-shirt up and off and tossing it to the ground.

The two men stared at him.

“You should get undressed,” Scotty told them. “Nobody’s leaving until everybody gets fucked.”

Between one blink and the next, Scotty found himself on his back on the bed, two naked men surrounding him. He writhed, moaning, as Zander kissed his neck, licking him. Vince’s fingers were buried in Scotty’s hair, a hand stroking his chest. It was something special, being the center of their attention.

All their focus was on him and he loved it.

He grasped Zander’s head as he made his way down Scotty’s body, alternating between kisses and licks. Every swipe of his tongue left wet fire behind and Scotty burned. His eyes were too heavy to keep open, so he slammed them shut.

Heavy breathing and moans punctuated the silence. Seemed as if they’d said everything that needed saying for the moment. Scotty was good with that. He wanted to feel them, wanted to tattoo everything about the three of them together onto his memories.

Stretched out next to Scotty, Vince kissed him, tongue sliding into his mouth, probing, as Zander nuzzled Scotty’s stomach, spreading his thighs wider.

Breath washed over the sensitive flesh of his inner thigh and Scotty quivered. His body flashed from hot to cold and back and all he wanted was more of it. More hands on him. They tore him apart, these two men, and he welcomed it. Loved it.

Zander nosed the length of Scotty’s dick and Scotty grabbed fistfuls of the sheet, arching, crying out into Vince’s mouth. Vince pulled back and Scotty lifted trembling lashes. Vince peered down at him with stark arousal in his eyes, cupping his cheek.

“Please.” Honestly, Scotty didn’t know what he was asking for. This just felt like the time to do it. To beg.

Vince dipped his head, kissing him again, this one even more urgent, as Zander took him into his mouth.

“Unngh.” Scotty bucked into Zander, hips moving without conscious thought to seek out more of that hot, wet mouth. Zander held him steady with both hands clamped down on his hips as Scotty tried to force his way deeper into his mouth. God.

Vince broke their kiss, kneeling at Scotty’s side, and Scotty reached for him, touching a shaking palm to his belly, then sliding lower to the hard cock that flexed at his touch, the tip wet.

“Fuck!” Vince threw his head back, shoving himself into Scotty’s grip, fucking his fist.

Scotty kept stroking him, bringing his knees up when Zander’s hold on him relaxed. Heels dug into the mattress, he fucked into Zander’s mouth, muscles straining, body begging for release.

As if he heard Scotty’s thoughts, Zander pressed a slick finger to Scotty’s hole.

All of Scotty’s movements froze, his senses focused on that finger digging into him. It felt so good he could sob. He spread his legs, lifting his ass up off the bed, struggling to ride that finger. Then Zander added another one.

“Oh God!” Scotty’s grip around Vince’s dripping dick tightened and the marshal hissed. Scotty closed his eyes as he rolled his hips, fucking himself on Zander’s thick fingers. They tunneled into him, stretching, bringing brief discomfort that disappeared the more Zander fingered him, the more he flicked his tongue over Scotty’s cock head.

Scotty’s hand dropped away from Vince’s dick and his toes curled, fire sparking at the base of his spine. “I’m—Oh fuck, I’m gonna?—”

Zander pulled away so fast, Scotty snapped his eyes open to find the mechanic kneeling between his legs, pushing at Scotty’s entrance. Scotty reached for Vince again, grabbing the limb closest to him—his thigh—as Zander breached him.

Scotty’s eyes rolled back in his head, Zander’s low curse reaching him as if through a tunnel. It was something spectacular, having Zander inside him. The pain and discomfort from his invasion didn’t matter, especially since they melted away with each thrust. Zander sank deeper and deeper and by the time he bottomed out, Scotty was on fire, Zander was panting, and Vince was holding Scotty’s hand, murmuring encouraging shit he couldn’t decipher.

Zander felt huge inside him, and with every shallow thrust, he dragged against Scotty’s sensitive inner muscles, drawing a high-pitched whimper out of Scotty every time.

“Open for me,” Zander gritted out. He circled his hips, hitting places that had spots dancing in Scotty’s vision. “Fuck, you’re so tight. That’s it.” He pulled back and then pressed in, slow and deep. “Fuck, that’s it. You’re taking me so good.”

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