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I laugh at the absurdity of his statement. “Okay.”

It is hard to believe I’ve gone from my one-bedroom apartment to a house in the Glades with its own Tinseltown. The front row consists of four plushy leather chairs, each with their own arm rests and cup holders. The back row is a single leather couch draped in soft blankets. Sean chooses the back row, moving something so that the couch extends outward for his feet. It’s huge, to fit Sean it’d have to be.

“Come, on,” Sean says, patting the space next to him. “You can get under the blanket with me.” He grabs the blanket off the edge of the couch. “This is the best seat in the house.” He smirks. He leans back, resting with his arms above his head.

I snuggle beneath the blanket with him, curling into his side and resting my head on his chest.

“You feel so good,” I say.

“You’ve said that a few times now,” he says, smirking.

I nudge him in the side. I love how his muscles feel against me.

“What do you want to watch?” he asks.

“I’ll watch just about anything.” This isn’t true. The list of things I don’t like is actually longer than the one of what I do, but I don’t imagine we’ll be doing much movie watching anyway.

I feel like I’m a teenager again. It’s kind of nice.

Sean clicks through the movie options “Is there anything you don’t like?” He flips through to a different streaming service.

“Nothing scary.” I wrinkle my nose. That’s my least favorite. I think I can admit that to him. I don’t want to be scared.

“That would be a little cliché anyways, wouldn’t it?” he chuckles, skipping over the horror section. “How about vampires? Suspense. Drama. Nothing scary, of course,” he adds quickly.

“Okay, I like it. The only thing missing now is popcorn.”

“Oh, you’re right. Good idea.” He jumps up. “I’ll be right back.” A minute later I hear an unmistakable pop coming from the kitchen. He’s back a few moments after that. “Extra butter,” he says, proudly. But that’s not it. “And we have chocolate and some kind of fruit snack.” He sets it beside him.

“You really go all out when you make me food.”

He kisses my nose.

The little bit of light along the walls fades as the movie begins, as if we’re in a real movie theater and not a room in his house. The title plays across the screen, and I already know it’ll be the last part of the movie that I remember.

Sean’s lips brush against my neck.

My stomach flips.

I can see the images, but I can’t hear what they’re saying. The only thing I’m aware of is Sean. It’s like I can feel him, all of him, every intake of breath, every beat of his heart.

The actor kisses the actress and it’s like it is Sean kissing me. I squirm. His jaw ticks. I wonder if he feels it too.

“You want more?” he asks. His voice sounds deeper and more husky .

“More.” I repeat back, like in a trance.

“More popcorn. Jeez,” he teases me.

“Oh,” I exhale. “N-no. Not yet.”

He looks at my lips, drawing our faces closer together.

He grabs either side of my face and kisses me. His lips are gentle. He takes his time, slowly kissing me and parting my lips. His tongue slips against mine, dominating and in control. He sets the pace. The gentleness of his hold becoming at odds with the way his mouth devours mine.

I can feel the kiss in my core. My muscles clench when his lips break away from my mouth to press against my throat. One of the hands holding my face digs into my hair, yanking back my head to give him better access as his teeth graze my skin.

His thumb strokes the ridge of my jaw, his hand then slipping down to my throat. He grips me there, his large hand splayed out over me as he holds my head in place. “You tell me to stop, and I will.” His gaze searches mine.

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