Page 2 of Bossy Fake Fiancé

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The door swings open and the older man walks in. His face is familiar, something I have grown up with the last fifteen years. He’s been with me since I started in the hotel business; someone my family had sent to keep an eye on me. He works for me now, though. Russell is probably the closest thing that comes to someone I trust in this world.

I sit back down on the couch and encourage the dogs to gather around me. He follows close behind, seeming at ease considering he has something important to tell me.

“What did you want to say?” I encourage him to speak.

“Well,” he sighs, “I’m retiring. So, I suppose today is my two weeks’ notice.”

I swear the world is just shitting on me today. I look at Russell with sheer surprise written on my face. He’s mentioned it here and there in the past, but there’s been no word of him wanting to retire the last few months, or even weeks. I search his face, as if expecting the stoic man to say he’s joking. I don’t think he even knows how to joke.

“You’re messing with me, right?” I ask, denying the desperation that crawls into my voice.

“No, sorry, sir,” he answers.

I know that if I ask for a reason, he will give it to me. I know he likely has a reason, but I don’t ask. I don’t need to ask. All I need to know is he is leaving me. The one person I feel I can always count on now shows he is just another number. This is just a job to him, like it should be.

I shake my head, confused, frustrated, but also understanding. I’ve grown too dependent on Russell. I don’t actually need him, I just like the comfort of the familiarity he provides.

“We need to find your replacement,” I say.

His face shifts from concern to relief. “Yes, sir, we do.”



Adrian Saunders is a straight up jackass. I frown as I stare at the paperwork in my hand, undelivered, and watch as the elevator announces its movement upward. I sigh and walk back to the desk to find Russell.

“I’m sorry, sir, but I wasn’t able to deliver the papers in time,” I apologize, handing them back to him, knowing he’ll be seeing our boss soon enough.

“Ah,” he frowns too, “I expected as much. He seems in a rather foul mood today.”

Russell’s brown eyes stare out at the chaos the very hotel owner has caused and he sighs. He seems more and more tired lately. I press my lips together and wish I could say something that would bolster his mood but all I can do is join him in staring as the staff calms down the raging woman and startled guests beside her.

“It’s definitely worse than usual,” I murmur, thinking up a solution. “Would you like me to send up some coffee later with a tray from his favorite pastry place?”

Russell turns to smile at me. “You are growing in leaps and bounds every day, my dear. Your customer service is becoming impeccable.”

“Thank you, sir,” I say with a small nod of gratitude and place an order through the phone.

* * *

The next day, after we spent over half of the work day fixing the problems caused by our boss, I am relieved everything seems back to normal. Except, I consider things as I look at the schedule and then look around at who is available. There are some people missing from their positions in the lobby.

I shake my head, focusing on grabbing my cleaning tools and walking to the cart. It’s not my job to take care of any missing individuals. I may be a head maid but it doesn’t look like any of my people are missing. Russell can take care of this issue, whatever it is, and I can focus on my work.

I walk up to the cart, loading it with the basics and some special items based on the floor I’m about to take care of when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I glance over to see the man I was just thinking about, his usually tired and apprehensive eyes seem calmer and a little brighter today. I smile at him, hopeful he’s gotten a good night’s sleep, and stand from my crouched position to face him fully.

“Good morning, sir,” I greet him.

“Amelia, good morning,” he responds. “You need to report to the penthouse suite today at noon.”

I blink in surprise. Have I screwed up somehow? I bite my lip nervously and it’s obvious my anxiety shows through on my face because Russell smiles, setting my rolling stomach slightly at ease.

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad. Though Mr. Saunders might be a bit tense,” he warns.

“Well, that’s a relief. Though I’d be surprised if he wasn’t tense. That is an integral part of his personality,” I laugh lightly, trying to release the growing tension in my belly.

It doesn’t work though and in fact, during the handful of hours I’m gifted before my meeting with Mr. Saunders, my anxiety only seems to grow. My stomach is constantly fluttering and a muscle in my thigh refuses to stop jumping. I am unable to even eat my breakfast on my morning break. Instead, I work so hard that I have to set an alarm to remind myself when to go to the appointment.

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