Page 14 of Bossy Fake Fiancé

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“So, what kind of rules were you thinking?” I ask, grasping for a distraction.

I hope he doesn’t notice the odd thickness to my words. Nor the way I swallow or clear my throat. If he does, he doesn’t say anything. I look up eventually and see him petting Jewel, focusing mostly on her and I assume he is thinking. I’m not willing to push him yet, I don’t want to start a fight if I have to deal with him in the house all day.

“We need to give each other space. My space and your space. I assume the bedrooms will suffice. Anytime we enter a room with a door closed we will knock and wait a correct amount of time for a response,” Adrian says.

“That sounds about right.” I look down at my plate, thinking about the flavors dancing on my tongue before I ask, “Do you cook often?”

He nods. “I would prefer to make dinner if we are going to eat together. Otherwise, we can keep to our own devices. You obviously will clean and do the laundry since you will be the maid as well and taking over for Russell.”

I smirk at the way he turns the simple question into another business discussion. “Russell sounds more like he’s an assistant since you need more help with your schedule than anything else.”

“My life is chaos,” Adrian sighs. “I will pay for all the amenities, internet, TV of any sort, food, water,” he continues as if that tiny dramatic line hasn’t passed his lips. “Since I’ve always been doing that.”

“That sounds fine except for the food. I may want things you don’t and vice versa. It’s fine if you buy bulk food for the house, but we’ll still have separate items for ourselves as well,” I correct.

He thinks it over, petting Jewel’s head again as Charity snoozes away on her mat.

“No,” he says.

I feel the twitch in my eye at his harsh voice and the way his eyes narrow when he looks back at me.

“No, I will buy whatever you need,” he reaffirms.

I rear back and stand, toppling the stool I’d been sitting on to the ground with a clatter. Adrian winces at the sound, his lip pulling back in a snarl, and I can see his politeness has just been a front. This ugly look that’s pulling at his face reflects whatever he’s been feeling all morning. He’s been wearing a mask of calm in hopes to make this all go smooth and easy. But his need to control won’t work. I am not and will never be a kept woman, not even in a fake marriage.

“No, you won’t. I’m not actually married to you. I’m not even in a damned relationship with you!” The tension that’s been growing inside me since last night snaps like a rubber band and everything explodes out.

He frowns. “What? That’s not—"

“No! It is what you want. You want control. You like control. It’s your house, I get it. But I’m still helping you out. I don’t have to be here. I could get by on my salary,” I snip nastily.

“Then why did you even come back?” he growls, his voice low and menacing.

It’s the first time I think I’ve really seen him angry, not just irritated. He’s rising to the bait I’ve clearly laid. My desire to let loose all of this frustration and fear is too strong, and Adrian’s the perfect target because he’s always such a controlling jerk. He’s been good to me but only as long as it gets him what he wants; as long as I don’t step out of line. Now he’s like a dog about to bite.

“Because you offered me a deal, something I thought we’d both benefit from. Something I thought we’d be equals in!” I laugh at my own stupidity because I know what he’s always been like.

“Fuck it,” he snarls, baring his teeth ferally, and he stomps from the room with Jewel whining at his heels and Charity staring wide-eyed at me from the living room.

I can’t deny I feel this strange urge to cry in relief as much as I feel the desire to tear my hair out. I overreacted, but everything has just been building and building, and finally I couldn’t take it anymore. And now we both know where we stand. We both know the black and white of our differences.

I sigh as I sink into the seat next to Charity and pet her in apology. I know that Adrian is likely doing the same to Jewel in his bedroom.



I come back home after leaving to ‘check on things at the hotel’ as I told myself in my head. But really, I just needed to get out of the penthouse. Even with the space between us, Amelia in her room and me in mine, I felt the sweltering tension lingering. It was suffocating and I couldn’t deal with so much emotion and bad air in my own home.

So while I was out, I grabbed something I hope will cool her temper, like I hopefully cooled mine. I hope that together, over an amazing meal from a place I’ve always kept to myself, and a wine brand that I’ve hoarded for years, maybe I can find some common ground with her. Perhaps I can figure out a way to bend enough her way that she’ll sheath her claws.

I stand in front of Amelia’s door, the two dogs behind me. Jewel whines and Charity wags her tail, obviously happy at the thought of seeing the woman. I swear Amelia has become Charity’s new favorite person. The thought almost sours my good intentions. I push the petty jealousy down and knock.

She doesn’t answer but I can hear the sound of some pages being rifled through. I wonder if perhaps she has headphones on. I knock again, a little firmer, and wait for a beat.

“Amelia?” I call out. “I would like… to apologize.”

I’ve apologized for business purposes before, and I remind myself that’s all this is. Even if the words taste bitter on my tongue. It’s like I’m getting invested. Like this isn’t for convenience and it’s somehow gotten emotional. Did she actually… affect me earlier?

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