Page 8 of Bellona

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They had just made it to the kitchen when the shooting started again, and bullets pinged off her shield.

"Keep your head down!" she shouted, and they ran to the pantry. She kicked the ruined doors in, and Rafael hurried to lift the heavy cellar trap door for her.

"This way, goddess," he said.

"No. You first," Bellona demanded. Rafael didn't argue. He went through the hatch and down the steep stairs.

Bellona pulled the pantry door shut before she followed him into the dimly lit cellar. It was cooler down there and smelled of earth and wine.

"They might have already found the entrance, so the same rules as before. Stay behind me. Don't try and be brave."

"Ah, this brings back fond memories," he said with a smile. "You. Me. People trying to kill us."

Bellona huffed out a laugh and hurried down the tunnel. It surprised her that he could still be making jokes when a kill squad had just destroyed his house.

They were nearing the exit when a figure dressed in black appeared.

Bellona held up a hand to halt Rafael before pulling her dagger free. She launched herself out of the shadows, making the man yelp in fright before she disarmed him and drove her blade into his ribs. She checked there was no one else between them and the vines.

"I parked my car on the other side of the field. We are going to have to run," Bellona said, picking up the dead man's handgun. She produced her shield again and gave it to Rafael. "You stay behind this and follow me. If I go down, you keep running, understand?" Bellona gave him her cell phone. "Get in the car and head to Rome. Call Set and tell him what happened, and he'll come and look after you."

"You said you were immortal," Rafael pointed out. He put the phone in his pocket before picking up her shield.

"I am. I can still get fucked up by bullets, but I will recover. You won't. Call Set. Stay safe. Understand?" Bellona demanded.

Rafael nodded. "I understand, goddess. Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

Bellona didn't reply. She felt compromised emotionally, and she hated it. If he had been anyone else, she would be able to think clearly. She wouldn't be so worried about every bullet aimed in his direction.

Scanning both ways, Bellona hurried across the small yard where the vines started. She turned and gestured to Rafael to follow. Something moved on the roof, and Bellona fired before they could lift the barrel of their rifle. Rafael kept the shield high and didn't look to the commotion.

"Run!" Bellona hissed, and he took off down the rows. She kept her head on a swivel, protecting his back. Bullets pinged on the shield, and Rafael fired, dropping his attacker.

Bellona grinned. "So you did keep up your practice."

"It seemed like a good idea. I couldn't expect you to swoop in and save me again," he replied. And yet she had done just that.

Bellona gestured for him to hurry up, and the Audi came into view. An explosion shook the night, burning the black sky orange and white. The villa was a fireball.

"I hope you had insurance," Bellona said, pulling the passenger door open and shoving him inside.

"I did, but it still pisses me off," Rafael grumbled.

"Better the villa than you." The shield disappeared once more, and Bellona jumped into the driver's seat.

"You are going to have to tell me what that shield is made of to not even have a dent in it after all of that," Rafael said, shoving his bag into the back seat.

"I never asked Vulcan's secret for the metal. He made it as a present, and I've carried it ever since," Bellona replied and turned the car on. "Put your seat belt on."

"Yes, Mama," Rafael said and clipped it.

Bellona only shook her head at his nonsense and put her foot on the gas. Rafael swore as she swung the car around the tight corners of the lane and roared out onto the highway.

"Cazzo! Slow down!"

"No. I need to get you somewhere safe." Bellona checked the review mirror and didn't see anyone following them.

"My house is in?—"
