Page 35 of Bellona

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Just when Bellona didn't think she could despise Rita more, she had to throw trafficking into the mix.

"Don't talk to them, bitch, or I'll cut your tongue out," her guard said.

"I'm pretty sure Rita won't like that. She seems the type of woman who likes to torture and will want to take me apart herself," Bellona mused, tugging lightly on her bonds.

The man laughed. "You won't be talking so tough when she gets here. I once watched her cut off a man's dick and balls and feed them to his wife. The same thing is probably going to happen to that pretty boy Rafael you work for if he doesn't come to his senses."

Bellona bared her teeth at him. "Nothing will be happening to Rafael; that I can promise you."

The man punched her in the face before pulling her hair back. "You're not going to be around to stop it."

Bellona laughed and head-butted him, shattering his nose and knocking him out. "That's quite enough of your shit." Bellona gave the zip ties a hard pull, and they snapped. "Is Cino Ferroni's wife and daughter here?"

"O-Over here," a woman said. She would have been in her fifties and was dressed in a once elegant, now heavily stained peach pantsuit. She had her arms around a heavily pregnant woman.

"Excellent. Does anyone know where they keep the keys?"

"In the office," a small voice said to her left. A girl who looked about eleven put her skinny arm through the bars of her cage and pointed to a flight of stairs at the other end of the warehouse. "Up there."

"Thank you, sweetheart. Don't worry, I'm going to get you all out of here. Just let me handle it and stay down if any shooting starts," Bellona reassured her and gave her cold, dirty hand a squeeze.

Two lots of traffickers in one week. It churned Bellona's stomach and ignited her ichor.

Bellona took her handguns from the unconscious man's belt and held them low. She went up the stairs to the office, knocked on the door, and stepped aside as another man shoved it open.

"What? You forgot your keys?" he demanded right before Bellona put her gun to his temple and squeezed the trigger. He fell to the ground, and Bellona checked the corners before slipping into the office. There was a computer and a storage cabinet but not much else. There were CCTV monitors showing the outside of the building where the rest of the guards were patrolling the private docks. There was also a panel of buttons that were for the cells.

Bellona opened the cage doors before finding the keys to a truck. They would need a way to get to the safehouse in Sienna, where she had sent Cino to wait for them. He would just have to use some of his money to help the women out. Bellona was sure that he could afford it.

She searched the room for a safe but found none. Rita was obviously smart enough not to leave cash anywhere that could be easily stolen. Bellona picked up the dead man's earpiece to listen to the guard's chatter before hurrying back down the stairs. Women and children were stepping out of the cages like skittish cats.

"Can you drive?" Bellona asked Cino's wife, and she nodded. Bellona passed her the keys. "Your husband is waiting for you in a place Rita won't be able to find you. I want you to take these people there and look after them as payment for me coming to save you. Once I've dealt with Rita, we will get them back to their homes. Understand?"

"Yes, signora. Thank you," she said in a cracked voice.

"Okay, everyone, I'm going to clear a path so you can get to the green truck outside. No one gets left behind, okay? It might be an uncomfortable ride, but it won't be for long. I promise." Bellona instructed. "Look out for each other, and you will all be okay."

Bellona made them assemble behind her. "Only come out once you have my signal."

They huddled together like frightened sheep, and Bellona's teeth ground together at the thought of what they had been through. She was going to truly enjoy destroying Rita and everything the Costa family stood for.

Bellona pressed the button to open the electric roller doors and took out both guards before they knew what was happening. She did a lap of the truck to make sure there was no one inside before she opened the back doors. It was empty except for some packing blankets.

Bellona gestured for them to hurry up, and the frightened people descended on the truck in a wave. She lifted the smaller children up and shut the doors. Cino's wife and daughter were in the front of the cab. Bellona gave them the address. "Remember…. You take care of these people," Bellona said.

"I will. I promise. You have no idea what those men… I will make sure they are safe," she replied, cutting herself off before starting up the truck.

Bellona followed them as they drove out from behind the warehouse. She took out one man as he waved his arms and tried to get them to stop.

Bellona made sure the remaining guards were dead and the truck was gone before going back into the warehouse. She punched holes into large barrels of machine oil and let it glug out.

Bellona went into the office, searching for something to light the oil. She opened a cupboard and jumped as a man leveled a shotgun at her gut and pulled the trigger. Bellona twisted, but the shot burst into her side, blasting away flesh and leaving burning pain in its wake.

"Fucking...weasel," she snarled at the cowering man. She yanked the gun out of his hand and beat him with it before tossing him into the wall. Her hand gripped her wounded side, golden ichor spewing between her fingers.

Bellona found a towel in the cupboard and held it to her torn-up flesh. She gritted her teeth against the pain and grabbed the box of matches that were sitting beside some candles.

Bellona hobbled downstairs, her vision wavering. She had to get back to Rafael. The wound would heal, but she had to make it home before anyone else saw that she wasn't bleeding red.
