Page 30 of Bellona

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"Rita Costa hired you?" she asked.

The sniper clawed at her hands. "D-Don't know. We got an alert saying two bounties had been spotted. Rafael Asellio and Tirone Taddeo. Rafael's fee d-doubled this morning."

"Thanks," Bellona said and dropped him. She wiped Set's knife on the pants of a dead man and pocketed one of their phones. The sound of her Audi roared down the streets, letting her know Set was behind the wheel. Relief that Rafael was safe filled her. She smiled viciously as she leaped off the side of the building and continued her hunt.


Rafael paced Bellona's apartment, needing to do something while waiting for her to return. Set had already run him through drills in the apartment's gym and given him tips and tricks with his hand-to-hand self-defense to wear off some of his worry.

The sun was setting, and Bellona still hadn't returned. Rafael was starting to fret.

"What if she is lying in Tirone's garden with a bullet in her head?" he asked.

Set was lounging on Bellona's couch like a great lion in the sunshine. "Then give her an hour to work the bullet out, and she'll be home."

"That doesn't make me feel any better!"

Set said, "She's been in worse scrapes than this, Rafael. She's just eliminating immediate threats right now. This is what she's born to do. Trust her to do it."

"I do trust her. I just don't like the idea of her getting hurt because of me." Rafael sat on one of the armchairs and put his head in his hands. "This is such a fucking mess."

"It'll work out. Bellona will fix the problem and won't stop until you are safe. Trust me."

"What makes you so sure? I barely know her."

Set let out a sigh. "I'd be the same with Ayla. Hells, that's how we met. She was in the same kind of situation. I couldn't stop until she was safe either. It doesn't matter how long you two have known each other. She's got it in her head that you're hers, and that's it. It's why I asked how you felt about her because it's not something she can switch off."

"I don't want her to switch it off." Rafael ran his hands through his hair. "But I still don't like the idea of her getting hurt because of me."

"It takes a lot to kill a god," Set said with a shrug. His phone started ringing, and he pulled it from his pocket. Rafael sat up straighter, hoping it was Bellona.

"Steady on, it's Thoth, not Bells." Set answered the phone, and a stranger's face popped up. "What's up?"

"I've had a look at the pictures you sent through, and I want to have a better look on video call. Is Rafael with you?" Thoth asked. Set sat up and gestured for Rafael to sit beside him. A woman's head popped in next to Thoth.

"Ohhh, you are Bellona's guy, huh? I can see why her panties have been in a bunch for so long," she said.

Set laughed. "Rafael, this is Thoth and his consort Kema."

"Can you hold up your arms for me? I want to see the gold," Thoth asked and Rafael showed him.

"It's all over my chest too," he said and lifted his shirt.

Kema giggled so he quickly dropped it again.

Thoth was frowning. "And when did this happen?"

The back of Rafael's neck went hot. "Ah, when we… When she…"

"When you were fucking?" Kema asked and roared with laughter.

Rafael frowned. "What's so funny about that?"

"The gold is a sign of her divine blessing," Thoth said, struggling to keep a straight face. "She lost control and?—"

"Blew her divine load on you," Set finished, now laughing as well. "I can't wait to tease her about this. She didn't know what it was, which means she's never intentionally given her divine blessing to anyone."

"Okay, so what does having her blessing mean?" Rafael asked, trying to follow what they were implying.
