Page 24 of Bellona

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"Ah, yes?" He didn't know if all gods did that when having sex, and he wasn't about to kiss and tell. "I really should go have a shower."

"You look like you need it." Set chuckled and poured a coffee from a French press and offered it to Rafael. "I owe my wife so much money. I didn't think Bellona would seduce you quite so quickly. It's good that you found a way to sort her rage out before she destroyed Rome again."

Rafael sipped the coffee. "I seduced her, actually. You have a problem with that?"

"Hell no. I told her she needed to get laid and get this thing she has for you out of her system."

Rafael didn't like the thought of Bellona getting him 'out of her system.' He thanked Set for the coffee, took it to the guest room, and showered.

The gold seemed to be fused into his skin. He didn't care. Every time he looked down at it, it reminded him exactly how he got it. His whole body had a deeply satisfied lethargy to it. He had planned on spending the day in bed seeing how many times he could make Bellona come, but Set turning up had messed with that plan. Why was he here anyway?

Rafael dressed in jeans and a dark green T-shirt that brought out the same shade in his eyes. He had none of the gold on his face, but it was on his arms, and there was no way to cover it. He hoped Bellona wasn't going to be mad about whatever it was being on display.

Rafael opened the door and heard Bellona's silky voice talking. "Thank you for getting here so quickly, Set."

"After your called about wanting to go full Nika Riots on Rome, I got Thoth to drop me on your doorstep. I was debating calling Romulus to warn him," Set replied.

"Wait, Romulus is a real person?" Rafael asked, joining them in the kitchen. Bellona was in a robe, her hair still a mess. Clearly, she and Set were close enough that they didn't worry about formalities. She looked so beautiful that Rafael wanted to tell Set to go away and carry her back to the bedroom.

"Rom is a real god and a massive dick when he thinks his city is in trouble," Set clarified.

Rafael really wanted to give Bellona a good morning kiss. She offered a small smile but didn't move to greet him.

"Well, aren't you two adorable," Set teased.

"Shut up," Bellona muttered, the tips of her ears going pink.

"I really didn't think I'd be interrupting your morning after."

"I swear I'll toss you out the window," Bellona threatened.

"Breakfast is going to be ten minutes. Go and shower, grumpy pants," Set replied. He was unfazed by the glare she gave him. When Bellona's back was turned, Set gave Rafael a 'go after her' signal. Rafael shot him the finger before realizing what he had done and winced. Set only smothered his laughter with a cough.

Bellona was going through her wardrobe when Rafael found her upstairs.

"So does this gold come off, or am I permanently shiny now?" he asked, trying to break the ice.

Bellona pulled a black T-shirt from a drawer. "I'm not sure. It's never happened before."

"Are you okay? Set said something about you wanting to destroy the city last night," Rafael said.

"I'm fine," she replied.

He really didn't like the coldness that was back in her tone. "Have I done something to upset you because you seem pissed."

Bellona looked up at him. Her mouth was set, but her eyes were stormy with conflict.

"I'm not upset with you. I just think we really need to focus on finding out what your partners are into. We can't afford to be distracted." Bellona drew in a sharp breath. "You distract me, Rafael. It's a problem. It will make me lose my edge and get you killed."

Rafael's chest clenched. "Is this your backward way of saying last night was a mistake?"

"I don't know what last night was," Bellona said and went into the bathroom. The door locked behind her.

Well, that blew up in your face. Rafael stared at the door for a few moments before walking away. She clearly needed time alone, and he wasn't going to be an asshole by starting a fight with her.

"Ooof. You look like you've been kicked in the nuts," Set said. He was buttering a pile of toast that was enough for five people.

"I'm okay, but I don't think she is. She said I make her lose her edge, and it's going to get me killed. Not something anyone has said to me after sex before," Rafael replied.
