Page 18 of Bellona

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"You are so angry, I can feel you vibrating with it."

Rafael couldn't get the image of her in the Catacombs filled with fury out of his head. The way her words echoed around the ancient stone. You dare to touch what is mine? He wanted to ask her what she meant by that. He didn't think now was the best time. She would probably break his nose again.

Bellona inspected his cut and rested a hand on his other cheek. "I'm not angry at you or even Laverna. I'm angry at me. I shouldn't have left you alone. You got hurt because I failed to protect you."

Rafael trapped her hand on his cheek and held it there. "You got me out of there, Bellona. You were terrifying and powerful, and I've never seen something so magnificent."

"I didn't scare you?" she asked, her ashen brows drawing together.

Rafael turned his head to kiss the soft skin of her wrist. "No. You've never scared me. Please don't blame yourself for this silly scratch."

"I know exactly who to blame for that silly scratch, as you call it," Bellona said, stepping back from him. The softness was gone from her face as she cleaned up the bloody gauze. Rafael's head suddenly felt full of water, and drowsiness overtook him.

"Woah, what did you say those tablets were?" he asked.

"Nothing malicious. Just something to help with the pain so you can sleep." Bellona gently guided him back onto the pillows. She took off his shoes and drew the comforter over him.

"You need to rest now, Rafael. That cut needs to heal, and your body has to process the adrenaline drop," Bellona said, her voice soft. She brushed her fingers through his hair, and he had never felt anything so good. "Sleep now, and know I'll never let them hurt you again."

Rafael was too relaxed and sleepy to argue. He settled further into the soft pillows, Bellona lightly stroking his hair, and fell asleep.


Bellona waited until Rafael was sleeping deeply before heading upstairs for a shower. Blood stained her suit in a way that no amount of dry cleaning would ever save. She removed her clothes and threw them into the bin before climbing into a scalding shower. Her hands kept clenching and unclenching, the urge to murder something so strong that she could taste steel in her mouth.

Rafael's blood was under her fingernails, and she could still smell the tang of it. Bellona was used to her berserker war rage, but this was different. She kept seeing him hurt on that damn cross, an ancient instrument of torture for the worst of the worst. She had seen thousands of people die on them, and to see her beautiful Rafael on one… Bellona shuddered as a sob rose in her throat. She never cried for anything or anyone. It was fear that was eating her alive. He was so damn mortal.

Bellona had been friends with Laverna for their entire existence, and she had been ready to tear her limb from limb. Only one god could take her on when she was like this and walk away.

Bellona got out of the shower and ignored the messages lighting up her phone. She found Set's number, and with shaking fingers, she messaged: Sorry to bother you with my bullshit, but I would like you to come to Rome. I don't have as much control as I would like. It took a lot for Bellona to admit. Set was the only one who would understand what she meant by not having much control.

The dots danced as he responded straight away. It will take me a day to get to you, but I can come. How bad are you?

Bellona searched her memory for a comparison. Do you remember Constantinople in January 532?

You are Nika Riots bad?? What the fuck happened, Bells? Are you hurt?

Her hands gripped the phone so tight, she thought it would crack. She forced herself to type. They took Rafael and put him on a cross.

Fuck. Did you get him back in one piece?

Yes. But they cut him and put him on a cross, Set. A fucking cross. I'm so furious, I can hardly breathe.

I'll be there by tomorrow night. Can you hold on until then? Or do I need to call Rom and Laverna?

Laverna was the one who took him. She knows my feelings.

Fucking hell. Is she still with us?

Yes. But I had to leave quickly. She will help me find the woman who hired her for the job.

Please don't shed any more blood tonight, Bells. It will blow back on Rafael. I know you don't want that.

Bellona didn't reply. She couldn't promise him that she wouldn't cut Rita's throat. The only thing stopping her was that killing Rita would make the bounty on Rafael go up, not make it go away.

Bellona looked at her other messages and replied to Medusa to thank her for her help in finding Rafael and to tell her that she got to him in time. Her other message was from Laverna.

My people have let me know that Rita Costa has a reservation at seven p.m. at Lorenzo's on Via di San Vincenzo, near the Trevi. Try not to kill her in front of witnesses, or Romulus will never shut the fuck up about it. You know what he's like. Sorry again about what happened today, Bells. X.
