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“He’s definitely regretting not listening to you, Seph. I think he’s cried himself to sleep more often than not lately,” Stephen said. While his expression didn’t give away much, there was a definite air of satisfaction present.

“Why do I feel like you’re the reason for his tears?” I asked Stephen.

He cleared his throat. “I do the reading, Seph. Not the other way around,” he said, trying to look at me sternly. I couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“You’re just worried I’m going to learn your secret for your insane mastery of your facial expressions,” I said. His smile stretched across his face. “It’s one of my best tricks,” he said, grinning at me. “I could not agree more,” I said.

“Did you learn anything useful or did you just take your frustrations out on him tonight?” Misha asked.

“He confirmed the link between Ricardo and the Mexicans. He also said it was Lorenzo’s idea to go to them,” Viktor said.

“He was planning on using them instead of any of the bosses’ men. He knew there would be mass casualties, so he was going to sacrifice the Mexicans first. He promised to help them overthrow Trino, but even Armando doubted that would’ve actually happened. Lorenzo knew there likely wouldn’t have been enough of them left,” Adrik said.

“Not surprising. However, it means the Mexicans are not going to stop coming for Trino until Sal and Ricardo are stopped and maybe not even then. We might not be able to wait on Henry to figure his life the fuck out,” I said, finishing up my latest snack. When I looked up, they were all looking at me, completely amused. “What?” I asked.

“Extra spicy Sephie might be my favorite version,” Misha said, laughing.

It took four more days before Trino got any more information about Martin. He finally called Adrik in the afternoon, once he’d heard Martin’s fate. Misha, Andrei, and I all felt fairly certain that he would make it out, but we also never checked on him again. We were all relieved to hear for sure that he’d made it out and was safely back in Colombia.

Trino stopped by the building that evening. Gus, Oscar, and one of his normal security guys were with him, but the rest of his men chose to stay in the lobby. “Was that your choice or theirs?” Ivan asked when Trino walked into the office, mostly unaccompanied.

“It was definitely theirs,” Oscar said, trying not to laugh. “They’re some of the baddest motherfuckers in Colombia, but they’re scared of a girl.”

“For good reason,” Trino’s security guy said quietly. It was the first time I’d ever heard him speak.

“And yet, here you are,” I said. My tone wasn’t threatening. Yet. But I was serious enough that he got tense when I addressed him. “Did the rest of them put you up to coming up here or are you just so curious that you can’t help yourself?” He looked at me, somewhat surprised. He wasn’t sure what to say. Trino stayed quiet as well. “I saved the life of your boss’s right-hand man. I’ve saved your life before as well, you just don’t know it. A little gratitude would serve you well if you’d like to keep the baddest motherfucker title,” I said, walking to the couch to sit beside Andrei. He held his arm out, helping me sit, then wrapped it around my shoulders, so I could curl up next to him.

He leaned down and said, “Extra spicy Sephie is my favorite version too.”

Gus looked at Trino, then looked at me. “I see now why he likes you so much,” he said.

Adrik cleared his throat, clearly done with where the conversation was headed. “Where is Martin now?” he asked.

“He’s back in Colombia, under heavily armed guards, just in case. He said he almost didn’t make it out. Instead of just leaving like I told him to, he tried to have a conversation with them. They caught on that he knew something was off and tried to keep him from leaving. He barely managed to get out, but he’s safe now.” Trino looked at me, a look of sincerity on his face. “Miha, he would’ve been killed if not for you. I suspected he would go to Mexico, but I never actually thought he was dumb enough to do it. I thought he was smarter than that. You saved his life.”

“It was a group effort,” I said, catching Misha’s eye. I felt Andrei squeeze my shoulders a little tighter. “I’d happily do it again. Just keep your weak-ass security guys that clearly can’t handle the fact that I’m different away from me.”

Misha laughed, asking in Russian, “Can extra spicy gazelle stay forever? She’s definitely my favorite.”

“The Mexicans still haven’t figured out that Lorenzo was going to sacrifice them to overthrow Boss, basically. Do you have any spies within their ranks? Can you get word to any of them that that was the plan? We can cause a little division between them and Ricardo,” Ivan said.

“Si, I can get word to them. That’s how Martin made it out. Two of the guys that are loyal to me created a diversion, so Martin could escape. They’re high enough in ranks that they’ll be able to get word to the right people,” Trino said.

“There needs to be a little friction between them and Ricardo. Since Ricardo is obsessed with being better than me, I’d like for him to understand that’s not possible before he dies,” Adrik said. He was sitting at his desk, across the office from where I was on the couch with Andrei. I could feel his anger, but it was at a controllable level. His patience was wearing thin and his frustration with me being hurt was beginning to become a problem.

“I learned how to be extra spicy from watching him,” I said to Andrei in Russian, so only he could hear. I was hoping he’d be able to contain his laughter. He made a valiant effort, but still inevitably laughed loud enough that everyone heard him. Adrik raised his eyebrow at me, wanting to know what had happened. I kept my mouth shut and just smiled at him, hoping it wouldn’t irritate him more.

“I’m considering going back to Colombia soon, Jefe. I don’t like being away for too long, as I’m sure you understand. There is also the matter of Massimo that still needs to be addressed,” Trino said.

“I won’t keep you here, Trino. You’re always welcome, but I would want to be in Colombia if I were you. We’ll keep an eye on Sal. I expect them to return. Keep me informed on the Mexicans. I’ll do the same for Sal and the other two bosses,” Adrik said.

They continued to talk for a few minutes before Trino left with the three guys brave enough to be in the same room as me. Once they were gone and Viktor had returned, Adrik looked at me and Andrei. “Now, do you want to tell me what you two were laughing about?” He tried to say it sternly, but I could tell it was an act.

I giggled. “They’ve been saying that they like the extra spicy version of me, so when you said what you said about Ricardo, I told Bubba that I learned it from watching you.”

I could feel the pull in my chest that meant he was thinking about how much he loved me. His smirk evident on his face, he just pointed to me, then to his desk. Andrei helped me off the couch, so I could go to him. He pushed his chair back so I could sit in his lap, his arms wrapped tightly around me. He leaned down, his lips next to my ear, whispering, “It’s getting more and more difficult to fight my desire for you, solnishko. Especially when you’re bratty. It makes me want to fuck it out of you.” As soon as he got the words out, I felt his intense desire for me. He knew I always struggled to control myself when I felt it, but now we were in front of everyone, so I had no choice but to contain myself.

I laughed quietly, trying to maintain control. “You’re a little bit evil,” I said quietly, so only he could hear. I pushed my hips back into him discreetly, causing his breath to hitch just slightly.
