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Adrik was silent for a few moments, listening to Trino. I could hear that Trino was angry, but I couldn’t understand what he was saying. “No, don’t worry, Trino. We actually expected this. Sephie called it when you delivered Anthony and Lorenzo. She’ll be happy to hear she’s won the bet pool,” he said. Sal’s finally decided to run. I could hear Trino talking again, then Adrik said, “We’ll go check out the airport. Come to the building this evening. There’s even more to this.”

The conversation ended soon after. As Adrik was putting his phone back in his pocket, Ivan said from the front seat, “So Sal decided it was best to run?”

“Trino said he must’ve had tunnels under his house because his guys haven’t seen anyone leave in two days. It felt off, so Trino sent a team in to the house. There’s been no movement or any signs of anything in the house for a couple days. They were all gone. They’re currently looking for how they got out of the house. Since we don’t know when they left, he could be anywhere by now, but my guess is he took a plane out of here,” Adrik said.

“Do we know where Ricardo is right now?” I asked.

“Since we got Armando, he hasn’t been seen in the city. We didn’t have anyone on him because we didn’t know to have anyone on him, so the short answer is no. We don’t know where he is,” Viktor said.

“I would bet all my earnings from Sal’s bet pool that he’s going wherever Ricardo is,” I said.

Adrik laughed. “Don’t say that in front of Trino. I did not peg him as having a thing for women who like to gamble.”

“He is a complicated man,” I said.

The guys dropped me, Adrik, and Misha off at the building while they went to the private airport to see what they could find out. Once upstairs, Misha and I both looked at each other. “Do you think we can find him?” he asked.

“It’s worth a try,” I said.

Adrik clicked his tongue. “How much does it zap her when she does that?” he asked Misha.

Misha looked at me, pondering his answer. “It really zapped her the first time, but since then, I don’t think it’s been a problem, but it’s hard to tell because she’s been so sick otherwise.”

They both looked to me. “Don’t look at me. I don’t even know what day it is, much less what makes me tired. Existing makes me tired lately. I mean, it’s a lot of work to be this fucking awesome, granted. But still.”

They both laughed at me. Adrik looked to Misha again. “Do you need her for it to work or can you use someone else?”

“It works best with her, but it worked with you when we were looking for her and Ivan. It might work with someone else the same way too. It’s just clearest with her,” Misha said.

“Let’s wait until they get back from the airport. You can try it with me again or Andrei. If we don’t make it clear enough, then use Sephie. I’d like to not zap her very small supply of energy right now,” Adrik said.

“I can help with that too,” Misha said, getting a bowl from the cabinet so he could make me another bowl of broth.

“Do we have any eggs?” I asked. They both turned to look at me, clearly shocked. “I’m as shocked as you, trust me,” I said, laughing at their response to my question.

“How many do you want?” Adrik asked.

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. One is plenty for now.”

“Instead of broth or in addition to broth?” Misha asked, pausing the heating process.

“In addition to,” I said.

Misha looked at Adrik. “I feel like the other four should be here to witness this. Should we call them? Video it? What do we do here? We can’t make her wait until they get back. The hunger might pass. This is so stressful,” he said, his hand running through his hair. I couldn’t do anything but sit and laugh at him.

“Misha, you’re my favorite. Don’t tell the others.”

“Oh, I’m telling them. That’s the first thing I’ma do when they get back,” he said, grinning at me.

Misha and Adrik were in the process of making me yet more broth and another egg when the other four guys walked back into the penthouse. The shock was evident on their faces, even more so once Misha informed them it was the second time in an hour that I’d eaten.

“Misha wanted to call you guys when I asked for solid food earlier,” I said, still laughing at him.

“Would’ve been worth it,” Viktor said. “We’ve all been worried about you, sestrichka.”

“I know. Don’t blame me. It’s my stomach. She has a mind of her own. She’s wild. Untamed.”

“What did you find at the airport?” Adrik asked, sliding a plate with one more egg on it in front of me.
