Page 31 of Vampire Secrets

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Unlike the other five, the sixth guard proved to be a tricky target. As I approached him with the intent to incapacitate, he must have sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere or heard a faint rustle in the underbrush. With lightning reflexes, he whirled around just as I moved to strike, narrowly avoiding the full force of my blow. Our eyes met for a fraction of a second, and in that moment, I could see the glint of feral instincts in his vampiric gaze.

He lunged at me, and we grappled in the darkness, a silent struggle for control. His inhuman strength was evident, and I had to rely on my training and wits to counter his movements. The clash was brief but intense, our bodies twisting and contorting in combat. Ultimately, with a combination of agility and well-placed strikes, I managed to overpower him. A precise blow to the pressure points on his neck caused his limbs to go limp, and he collapsed, unconscious.

Although the encounter had been more challenging, I had managed to neutralize the guard without raising any alarm. Cautiously, I entered the old mill, and what greeted me immediately was a scene of desolation and decay. The interior of the mill was a haunting relic of a bygone era, its once industrious purpose long forgotten. It felt as though I had entered a ghostly realm, where the echoes of the past lingered in the stillness of the air.

The wooden floors creaked beneath my every step, the sound reverberating through the spacious, cavernous interior. Shafts of faint moonlight pierced through cracks in the ancient, weathered walls, casting eerie patterns on the dusty, cobweb-laden surfaces. The mill’s machinery, long since silent, stood as silent watchmen of a forgotten time, their gears and pulleys covered in a shroud of neglect. It was as if the very essence of the place had been trapped in a state of perpetual disuse, the echoes of long-lost industry a mere whisper in the wind.

The sensation of being watched hung in the air, and the atmosphere was thick with an oppressive sense of history. The shadows danced, giving the illusion of spectral figures moving in the periphery of my vision, and the walls seemed to whisper long-forgotten secrets, echoing with the lingering presence of those who had come before.

I suddenly remembered all the ghost stories I had ever heard, all the versions of Willow Wraith’s story, and I almost felt as if her cold talons were touching my shoulder. As I ventured deeper into the heart of the old mill, each step resonated with a sense of foreboding. It was as though the very walls held the memories of the past, and I could not help but feel that the mill itself bore witness to countless stories, both forgotten and untold.

But I didn’t want to dwell on them right now. I was writing my own story, hoping that I would see it to its happy end. Lil and Cass were somewhere here, waiting for me. I couldn’t let them down.

As I cautiously made my way deeper into the ghostly, abandoned mill, my senses were on high alert, every rustle and whisper of the old structure sending chills down my spine. And then, from the shadows, a figure emerged, shrouded in an aura of quiet authority.

Constantine materialized like a specter. His silver eyes gleamed with an eerie light in the dimness of the mill, and his expression bore the countenance of delight. He had obviously been waiting for this moment for a long time. Now, he had emerged from the darkness, a phantom who had been watching my every move.

The grip around my blade tightened. I had no idea what to expect. A part of me was certain that if he wanted to kill me, he would have done so by now. He had so many opportunities for that. Yet, we were both here, together again just like before. Our encounter held a tension that was palpable. This ancient structure felt like the perfect place, the perfect witness to this eerie standoff, where its timeworn walls echoed the question of why we were both here: what was Constantine’s true intention?

“Where are they?” That was the first question I demanded an answer to. Nothing else mattered until I was assured of their well-being.

“Safe,” he replied.

“Take me to them,” I demanded again.

“No,” he shook his head. “Not before you hear what I brought you here for.”

“There is nothing you can say that I want to hear,” I snarled at him angrily. I refused to allow him to believe that he had any control over me or this situation, despite the fact that he had Lil and Cass in his grip.

“I beg to differ,” he replied, his silver eyes locking onto mine. “I believe it is finally time for us to acknowledge what we both know to be true.”

“I don’t care!” I exclaimed. “All I want is my family!”

“But that is just it,” he spoke calmly, contradicting my rage. “I am your family. We are brothers, born of the same blood, with a bond that transcends the mortal realm. The power that we possess together is unparalleled. With our combined strength, we can shape the world as we see fit, Adrian, bring an era of unrivaled dominance.”

I shook my head, my resolve unwavering. “I will not join you, Constantine. I don’t care about this power. My loyalty lies with those I love and the path I’ve chosen is one of honor and righteousness.”

“You are a fool, Adrian,” he mocked me in a voice that proved he was assured of his victory in case of a battle. “You have no idea what you are turning your back to.”

“I do,” I corrected him. “I know better than you think.”

“You’ve chosen the path of weakness,” he continued to speak, not even realizing that with each spoken word he was only pushing me further and further away from his selfish cause. He paused for a moment. “I suppose your witch didn’t tell you a very important part of the prophecy.”

“How do you know about the witch?” I gasped.

He smirked. “I also have one of those. Who do you think created your doppelganger? Who helps me stay ahead of everyone?”

“What about the prophecy?” I demanded to know.

“I was hoping it wouldn’t have to come to it,” he said mysteriously. “I didn’t want to have to do that, but you are leaving me with no other choice.”

“What are you talking about?” I growled at him, losing my patience.

“You can join me, and together, we can rule this realm, as one ruler,” he explained. “I am giving you one last chance to join me, Adrian. Choose wisely.”

I didn’t have to think about it even for a single moment. My mind was made up.

“I’ve already made my choice, I told you this,” I reminded him. “My choice is my family.”
