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“The house is a mess,” she said.

“Impossible. It was as clean as a whistle when I left this morning.”

“Your clean and my clean are two different things.”

“Claire, stop stressing. The house is fine. I told my mom I get off at five, so I’m sure they’ll be there around five thirty. I’m just giving you a heads-up.”

“Thanks. I have to finish reviewing these reports,” she said.

“Okay. I love you, babe. Do not stress out over this.”

“I love you, too. Bye.”

I sighed as I put my phone in my pocket and returned to the ER.


Shit. Shit. Shit. I closed the file folder, grabbed my purse, and told Tessa I was leaving. Walking down to Shaun’s office, I popped my head through the door.

“I have to leave. Nick just called and said his parents are in town and are coming over tonight. I have to make sure the house is spotless and run to the store to pick up a couple of things.”

“See, you should have listened to me and stayed home in the first place. This is payback for being so stubborn.” A smirk crossed his lips.

“Very funny.” I narrowed my eyes. “I’ll see you tonight.”

After I stopped at the store, I went home and started cleaning. There wasn’t much to do, but I needed to make sure everything was perfect for when Nick’s parents arrived.



“Louise. Danny. It’s so nice to see you.” I hugged them. “Welcome to our home.”

“You look nice, dear,” Louise spoke.

“Mom. Dad.” Nick hugged them.

“Your home is lovely,” Louise said. “I have to say, Nick, you moved on pretty fast. One minute, your wedding is called off, and the next, you’re engaged again with a baby on the way.”

“Yeah. Funny how life works out.” He smiled. “And why did you have to say that?”

“Your mother didn’t mean anything bad by it, son,” his father spoke. “You’ve seemed the happiest you’ve ever been.”

“I am. Claire makes me incredibly happy. I love her very much.” Nick hooked his arm around me.

“That’s all we ever wanted for you, Nicholas,” his mother spoke. “We always voiced our opinion about that Katrina woman you almost married. We told you time and time again that she wasn’t right for you, and we didn’t like her.”

“Mom, why are you saying all this? Why are you dredging up the past?”

“Because your father and I like Claire a lot, and we want a relationship with the two of you and our grandchild.”

“Welcome to the family, Claire.” Danny held out his arms.

I walked over and hugged him. “Thank you, Danny.”

“Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad.” Nick smiled. “We better get down to the beach. The family is waiting for us.”

“Is Christian there?” His mother asked.
