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“That sounds beautiful, just like you, my love.” He softly stroked my cheek.

We partied the rest of the day on the boats, enjoying fine food, music, and a lot of laughter.

“We have to Facetime Richard before it gets too late,” I told Nick.

“Let’s do it now.” He led me down to the cabin, which was quiet.

Pulling out my phone, I Facetimed Richard.

“Hello, sweetheart.” He smiled. “Hello, Nick.”

“Hi, Richard,” Nick spoke.

“Guess what?” I grinned.

“Guessing by that grin on your face, I’m going to assume it’s good news.”

“Nick asked me to marry him!” I held up my hand and showed off my ring.

“Oh, Claire. It’s beautiful. Congratulations, you two. I’m happy for you.”

“Thank you. Nick and I want to come to Connecticut to see you soon.”

“I’d love that. Just let me know, and I’ll rearrange my schedule.”

“I will, Richard. Talk to you soon.” I ended the call.

“There you are,” Jenni said. “I’m stealing your bride, Nick. We need to talk wedding dresses.”

“Go ahead.” He chuckled. “I’ll go hang with the guys for a while. Just don’t keep her too long, Jenni.”

“Please, Nick. Just go with the guys and let us girls talk wedding stuff,” she said. “Go on.”

“Okay. Okay. I’m going.” He laughed.

One Month Later

Istood in the bathroom, holding the stick and staring at the positive sign in the control window. We put the deposit down at the Beverly Hills Hotel for the wedding and reception yesterday. Nick and I took the first opening they had, which was in nine months. Maybe this was a false positive, and I wasn’t pregnant. Grabbing my phone, I texted Georgia.

“Hey, I need to come see you at your office. Would you be free to see me today?”

“Yeah. Of course. Is everything okay?”

“I think I’m pregnant.”

“Oh my God. Come in now if you can.”

“Thanks, Georgia.”

After getting dressed, I climbed into my car and called Tessa.

“Hi, Claire.”

“Hi, Tessa. I have an appointment this morning, so I’ll be at the office after.”

“Okay. See you then.”

I walked into the Kind Medical Center and took the elevator up to the second floor. Opening the door to Georgia’s practice, I stared at the pregnant women who sat in the chairs, waiting to be seen.
