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We sang happy birthday to Charleigh and had a slice of cake that Zoey made. When the party ended, we all left the brewhouse. When we walked out the door, I noticed the guy from earlier was in the parking lot talking with five other guys.

“Well, look what we have here,” he walked over with his friends, circling us. “You put your hands on me.” He pointed at Simon. “I don’t take too kindly to people doing that.”

“It’s in your best interest to walk away, man,” Simon said.

“Nah, I don’t think so. You all think you’re so fancy, having your little party and interrupting the moment I was having with her.” He pointed at me.

“Get a life, dude,” I said. “I told you I wasn’t interested.”

“I have a problem with taking no for an answer, just like I do with people putting their hands on me. And I only solve my problems one way.” He went to raise his fist.

Simon pulled his gun from his back and pointed it directly at the man’s forehead.

“And this is the only way I solve problems,” he said.

“Dude, I was just joking.” I could see the man tremble. “Come on, guys, let’s get the fuck out of here.”

“That's a good idea. Don’t ever come back here again. I’ll be watching, and the next time I see you, my finger may slip on the trigger.”

The man and his friends climbed into their trucks and took off.

“Well, this is sure an eventful birthday.” Charleigh grinned.

“Don’t let that guy or his friends back in the brewhouse.” Simon glanced at Sebastian.

“Don’t worry. The cameras have recorded their faces. They won’t be coming back here.”

“My husband, the hero.” Grace smiled, hooking her arm around Simon. “You should have let me take them down,” she pouted. “It’s been far too long.”

“And risk bruising that beautiful face of yours? I don’t think so.” He kissed her lips.



“Sorry I couldn’t make Charleigh’s party the other night,” I said to Christian as we went up to the rooftop for a coffee.

“It’s okay. It's the life of a doctor. We understand.” He smiled. “It sure was an eventful night.”

“Why?” My brows furrowed. “What happened?”

“This guy wouldn’t leave Claire alone, and Sam and Simon stepped in. When we were leaving the brewhouse, he and some of his thug friends were in the parking lot. The guy was looking for a fight, and Simon had to pull his gun on him.”

“Jesus. Is Claire okay?”

“Yeah. She’s fine. At least, I think she is. Maybe you should give her a call and ask her yourself.” He smirked.

“Nah, I’ll take your word for it.”

“She misses you,” Christian said.

“Then she should have been honest with me from the beginning.” My pager went off. “I have to go. I’ll talk to you later.”

When I returned to the ER, I saw Claire standing at the nurses’ station.

“Someone paged me?” I asked one of the nurses.

“I had them page you,” Claire said. “Can we talk?”
