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“She’s a great kid,” Simon whispered from behind.

I quietly closed the door and turned around.

“It was nice of you to take her in after her mother died,” I said.

“It was a fight. Celeste’s sister wanted custody of her, but she’s our sister, and I wouldn’t allow it. She belongs here with us.”

“Does she know you’re all her brothers?”

“Yeah, she knows. We’ll tell her everything about her parents when she's older.” A smile crossed his lips as he hooked his arm around me.

“Including her father?” My brow arched.

“Yeah, but we’ll leave out the not-so-good parts. She doesn’t need to know the bad things he’s done.”

“You have your hands full with her and Milo,” I said.

“Yeah, Grace and I do, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.” He kissed the side of my head. “Get some sleep.”

I headed to my bedroom, changed into my pajamas, and climbed into bed. My heart ached. I missed Nick and spending time with him. Why did he have to walk into my life at such a turbulent time?


A couple of days passed, and I didn’t see Claire’s car in the parking lot or hear any noise coming from her apartment. When I left my apartment to head to the hospital, I noticed her door was open, and Gary, the maintenance guy, was there.

“Hey, Gary.”

“Hi, Dr. Russo.” He smiled.

“What are you doing in here? Where’s Claire?”

“I’m looking for any damages. She moved out.”

“When?” My brows furrowed. “A few days ago.”

“I see. I have to get to the hospital. It was good seeing you.”

“You too, Dr. Russo.”

I climbed into my car and shook my head. I couldn’t believe she moved. When I arrived at the hospital, Christian was checking on a patient in one of the ER rooms.

“Good morning.” He smiled when he walked out of the room.

“Did you know Claire moved out of her apartment?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he quietly spoke. “She’s staying with Simon until her house is done.”

“That’s nice. She couldn’t even bother to tell me?”

“You did tell her you never wanted to see her again,” Christian said. “She’s a Kind, and she’s stubborn.” A smirk crossed his lips.

“Whatever. It’s for the best anyway,” I said, walking away.


“Yeah?” I stopped and turned around. “I know you still have feelings for her. Put what happened in the past and go talk to her.”

“It’s not that simple, Christian. I’ll see you later.”
