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I sat and stared at her until it hit me.

“You’re scared.” I narrowed my eyes at her.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You don’t want them to find out that you knew they had another sibling out there for twenty-nine years. You’re not trying to protect them, Barb. You’re trying to protect yourself. I suspect you kept Shaun a secret from them as well. When did he decide to find his long-lost family?”

“That’s none of your business.”

“I bet the shit hit the fan when he showed up, and their mommy knew about him the entire time and never told a soul.”

“I’ve made my amends to my sons. Trust me, Claire. You don’t want to do this—or else?—”

“Or else what, Barb?” I popped my lips.

“I will ruin you. You seem like a smart girl. Just go home and forget about my family. I can pay you. Tell me how much you want.”

I laughed. “I don’t need your money, lady. I have plenty of my own. You kept my father and my siblings away from me. I always wanted a brother or sister, but my mother suffered somecomplications after I was born and was told she couldn’t have any more children. I would lie awake at night and pray to God to give her a baby, just one. That’s how badly I wanted a sibling. I guess God did answer my prayers after all because he gave me six.”

“And you just think you can waltz in here, and they’ll accept you? If you really care about my sons, you will leave them alone. Their father has already done enough damage. Let them live their lives in peace.”

“And what about my life? I don’t have the right to know who my family is?” I grabbed my purse, threw some cash on the table, and stood up. “A storm is coming, Barb, whether you like it or not. And by the way, I was going to keep your little secret and not let on that you knew, but since you found it in your heart to threaten me, I’ve changed my mind.” I walked away and out of the restaurant.

I walked down the street where my car was parked, climbed in, and gripped the steering wheel.

“How dare that woman.” I shook my head.

Walking down the hall to my apartment, I stopped and stared at Nick’s door. Bringing my hand up to knock, I stopped, sighed, and inserted my key into the lock of my door. I set down my purse, kicked off my shoes, poured a glass of wine, and took it over to the couch. Walking to my bedroom, I grabbed my guitar from the closet, took it to the living room, sat down, and began strumming. It was the one thing I always turned to when I needed to escape the madness of the world, even for just a while. I knew my life would be forever changed after my mother’s death. She was all I had. But I never expected a complete 180 in a new place with six strangers who were my siblings.

My phone pinged with a text from Nick.

“How was dinner? I just got home and saw your car in the lot. By the way, are you playing the guitar?”

“Dinner was fine. Yes, I’m playing the guitar. Want to come over?”

“Yeah, I do. I’ll be over in five.”

“Just walk in. The door’s unlocked.”

I needed some normalcy right now, and Nick was just that. Tonight’s dinner with Barb wasn’t. I’d never run across a woman like her before, and I didn’t like it. Now, I sat and wondered if my brothers were anything like her. They had Barb’s and Henry’s genes, which wasn’t a good combination. The door opened, and Nick stepped inside. He stopped in the middle of the living room and stared at me.

“What?” I laughed.

“I’m just admiring how sexy you look with that guitar.” A bright smile crossed his lips.

“You play?” I asked.

“Yeah. I do.” He sat beside me.

I handed my guitar to him. “Play me something.” I smiled.

I listened as he strummed the chords to the song Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

“You’re good.” A smile graced my lips as he finished and set my guitar down.
