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“No. I can’t be. I’m not ready yet. Oh, God.” I doubled over.

“Sorry to break the news to you, sis. It doesn’t matter if you’re ready or not. If our niece is ready, she’s coming,” Simon said.

“Georgia told me last week it was Braxton Hicks.”

“That was last week. This is this week,” Jackson said. “I’ll call her. She’s at the hospital with a patient.” He pulled out his phone.

“I need to go home and lie down.”

“Come on. We’ll help you,” Sam said, helping me from the chair.

I took one step, stopped, and let out a scream. “Okay, these aren’t Braxton Hicks.” I gripped Sam’s arm.

“Georgia said to come to the hospital,” Jackson said.

As I stood in the sand, gripping Sam’s arm while pain ripped through me, I felt something trickling down my legs.

“Umm, I think my water just broke.”

“Okay, that’s it. Let’s go.” Simon jumped up from his chair. “Sam, Stefan, put her in my car. I can get her to the hospital faster.”

“What’s going on out here?” Julia asked.

“Our sister is in labor, babe,” Sam spoke. “We need to get her to the hospital.”

“Oh my God. What do you need?” she asked me.

“Can you just grab my bag from the house? It’s in the bedroom, on the chair.”

“I’ll go get it,” Stefan said.

“I’ll call Nick and let him know you’re on your way,” Jackson spoke.

Sam and Julia helped me to Simon’s car. Stefan ran over and threw my bag in the backseat. Simon pulled out of the driveway and turned his sirens on.

“Okay, I’m over this,” I shouted as I doubled over.

“You got this, sis.” He reached over and took hold of my hand.

“No. No, I don’t. I don’t have a high pain tolerance. Women actually go through this?”

Simon chuckled. “You’ll forget about the pain once the baby is born.”

“And you know this how?” I glared at him as another contraction tore through me.

“Trust me. You will. Just hang in there.” His grip on my hand tightened.

He pulled up to the entrance of the ER, and I instantly calmed down when I saw Nick standing there with a wheelchair. He opened the car door and helped me out.

“I knew you seemed off today,” he said. “Our baby is coming.” His lips pressed against the top of my head as he wheeled me to the elevator.

We reached the OB Unit. When the elevator doors opened, Georgia stood there with a smile.

“Let’s get you into a room and check you out.”

I lay in the bed, hooked up to the fetal monitor, as another contraction hit. I screamed as the pain gripped me like no other.

“You’re dilated to six,” Georgia said.
