Page 30 of Cowboy Flirt

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My brain went blank for a split second. After a moment, I cleared my throat.

“I’m coming over.”

She laughed—lighter this time.

“No, you’re not. It’s been a long day. I can tell by the tone of your voice that I would be getting no sleep with you around.”

“I can behave myself, cross my heart,” I replied.

Rory sighed.

“Very tempting. Believe me.”

A prickle of disappointment settled between my ribs, but I didn’t push it. Everything was still so new and tender between us. It sounded like she needed rest, too.

“Is everything okay?” I ventured.

She hummed, noncommittally.

“Oh, I’m fine.”

When Rory didn’t offer more, I frowned, poking at a remnant of pie crust with my fork. Was there something…off…in her tone? Or was I imagining things? She’d been so hesitant about opening up to me, don’t break my heart, Beau. Was she having second thoughts?

“Well,” I said. “I have your pie to keep me company for the night. It’s delicious, by the way, but it doesn’t taste nearly as sweet as you do.”

“You’re shameless with your flattery, Beau. Has anyone ever told you that?”

“Once or twice,” I replied. “Since you’re my girl, it comes with the territory, darlin’.”

A pause echoed over the phone. I couldn’t even hear her breathing. My heart skipped a beat. Why wasn’t she saying anything? The silence was killing me.

“I am?” she whispered at last with a hopeful lilt to her tone. “I’m your girl?”

The raw vulnerability in her voice couldn’t hide the hint of doubt lurking beneath her words. As if she felt like this was a dream and she might wake up at any minute. Just because I’d managed to make my way into Rory’s bed didn’t mean I’d won her heart yet.

Before I could respond, she continued with a nervous laugh.

“God, ignore me! That sounded so needy.”

“Rory,” I said gently.


“Did you like it when I called you that?”

Another long pause.

“Yes,” she mumbled.


“Don’t you think it’s a little…early? I mean, we’ve only had one date, and maybe you’ll change your mind—”

“I won’t,” I cut in. “You’ve always been my girl, Rory. That’s why I pestered you for a kiss for years.”

“I thought you pestered me because you can’t help being obnoxious,” Rory teased.

“Charming is actually the word you’re looking for, darlin’.”
