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"After you get settled in, you can go get fitted for your saddle so you'll be all set to ride tomorrow morning," Colleen said as she ushered them inside.

Once they were checked in, she drove them to their cabin, which was met by more oohs and ahs by both Sarah and her son. "I even got my own bathroom!" Aidan yelled from the smaller of the two bedrooms.

"Look, Aidan, we even have our own little porch with rocking chairs," Sarah called from the back of the cabin.

Amazing how two people who lived in a multimillion-dollar house and regularly vacationed at five-star resorts could still be genuinely excited about bathrooms and rocking chairs. But the fact that she was so down to earth was one of the many things Colleen loved about Sarah.

She looked at her watch and frowned. "I probably need to get going."

Sarah came in from the porch, her lips pulled into a pout. "I'm bummed you can't hang out tonight."

Colleen was too, but now that Molly was, as she claimed, "a hundred months pregnant" and getting more uncomfortable by the day, she needed Colleen's help more than ever.

And until she got that check from Gregory, Colleen needed the extra money more than ever.

"Me too, but I'll see you in the morning for our ride—JT said it's okay for me to ride with you whenever I want."

"That's very nice of him. And speaking of JT, when do I get to meet him?" She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Colleen rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you'll see him around this evening."

"I'll definitely keep an eye out."

Colleen gave her a pointed look.


"Just don't give him the third degree."

Sarah's eyes widened in feigned innocence. "Moi?"

"Yes you. Any guy who ever picked me up at our apartment was subject to interrogation." Sarah wouldn't stop until she knew everything about where the guy was from, where he worked, what his hobbies were, and where exactly he planned to take Colleen.

"I just wanted to make sure my best friend didn't end up going out with any serial killers."

"Not like a guy is going to admit he mutilated small animals as a child. But who am I kidding anyway? Knowing you, you already did an online background check on JT."

"He's never been arrested, if you're curious."

"You're terrible," Colleen laughed and gave her a quick hug.

"It's only because I love you."

The next morning Colleen slid on a pair of jeans and dug her well-worn cowboy boots out from her closet. She pulled her hair into a ponytail and put on a ball cap to keep the sun off her face.

She arrived at the barn to find Sarah waiting for her in skin-tight jeans, a T-shirt with Spiritual Gangster emblazoned across the front, and a straw cowboy hat perched on top of her head.

"Nice boots." Colleen whistled as she took in Sarah's hand tooled cowboy boots with pink and white butterflies embroidered on the shaft.

Aidan stood at the picket line, ready to go in his jeans, T-shirt and boots, a riding helmet already buckled under his chin. He had a bag of horse treats in one hand and was carefully extending one to a horse.

"Remember to keep your palm flat. You don't want him nibbling at your fingers."

Colleen turned as she heard the familiar rumble of JT's voice behind her.

"Morning ladies." He brought his fingers to the brim of his hat in the way that never failed to make her smile.

"Morning. Did you get a chance to meet my friend Sarah and her son, Aidan?"
