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"Oh, you have no idea." He slid one hand up to cup her breast, teasing her nipple with the pad of his thumb. Despite her orgasm, it was still rock hard.

As were some other things. His erection pulsed against her thigh, as if to remind him that, so far, the satisfaction was all one sided.

Patience. We've got a lot of ground to cover before we get ours.

"Do you think it makes me a pervert that I'm so turned on by a woman dressed like a high school girl?" He traced the smooth line of her neck with his lips.

Her brow furrowed as if she were giving the matter serious thought. "Maybe a little. If you were turned on by an actual high school girl, I would definitely say yes."

He laughed softly and kissed his way down her chest, in between her breasts, down her belly. He pulled her skirt up to her waist, his breath hitching in his chest at the sight of neatly trimmed dark curls and the damp, swollen folds of her sex. He scooted farther down the bed until his face was even with it and pressed a kiss against the smooth, damp skin of her inner thigh.

"Isn't it, like, your turn or something?" she asked, even as she arched against his lips pressing against her core.

"I believe I promised to make you come," he parted her with his thumbs and slid his tongue over the firm bud of her clit. "And come," he moved lower, slipped his tongue inside her and tasted the sweet salty flavor of her desire. "And come again." He closed his lips over her clit and sucked it until she made that little sound in her throat that he loved so much. "So I think I have a little more work to do."

"You're going to kill me."

"I'll put an inscription on your tombstone: 'She died doing what she loved.'"

Later, Colleen settled in a satisfied heap against JT's broad chest. Her nerve endings still sizzled in the aftermath of so many orgasms she'd lost count, and now her body was deliciously limp as he pulled her so she was laying halfway on top of him.

At some point he'd let her ditch the skirt, and now her naked legs tangled with his hair roughened ones.

As had become their pattern, their conversation rambled between what they'd been up to in the short time they hadn't seen each other.

She let out a contented sigh, marveling at how good it felt just to lie here with him, his voice rumbling under her ear. She tried to remember the last time she felt so relaxed. So... safe.

Don't get carried away, she reminded herself. These knight in shining armor feelings are just the dopamine at work. This is your brain on sex.

Still, that didn't stop her from snuggling closer as she told him about helping her mother go through her father's things.

"That must be so hard," he said and pressed a kiss against the top of her head.

"It just makes it seem so final," she said, her throat tightening. "It's like, when his clothes were still hanging in the closet, it was sort of like he was still there."

"I don't even want to think about what it will be like when my parents are gone. Although, knowing my father, he'll find a way to boss me around from beyond the grave."

At her encouragement, the conversation returned to what they were discussing earlier. "Do you really think your dad doesn't think you and Paulina are doing a good job?"

She felt the rasp of his chest hair against her cheek as he shrugged. "Honestly, it's hard to tell when he and my uncles second guess every change we try to make. Even though Dad retired and they all agreed to bring me back as general manager—technically their boss—it's like they still see me as a little kid who doesn't know what he's doing."

"That doesn't make any sense. Obviously, whatever you're doing is working. Numbers are up, and guests are leaving glowing comments about everything from the food to the service. You know you're doing a good job no matter what they say."

"Easy for you to say. You've never had to go through anything like this, like you have to prove yourself."

A small knot formed in the pit of her stomach as she remembered the last few years of her marriage. "That's not true."

"Come on, Colleen," he sounded exasperated more than irritated. "You never had so much as a zit in high school. You were always perfect. When have you ever felt inadequate?"

She stiffened and pulled away, yanking the sheet up to cover her chest.

"Are you kidding me? Trust me, when your husband has an affair, tells you he thinks he stopped loving you years ago, and leaves you for the other woman, you feel pretty fucking inadequate."

"Colleen," he raked his hand through his dark hair. "I'm sorry. That was really fucking stupid and insensitive of me." He reached for her and wrapped his hand around her neck and leaned in to kiss her. "I'm sorry," he said again, and it didn't take much coaxing for her lips to soften against his. How could she resist, when he so quickly recognized his mistake and apologized so immediately and sincerely?

“It’s just that I’ve always known you as the Colleen who was always so much cuter and more popular than I was. You always seemed to have it together.”

It occurred to her then that maybe that was a big part of her appeal—the formerly awkward JT finally got to hook up with the captain of the cheerleading squad.
