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"I wanna catch a fish," Jordie said.

"I'm sure we can catch you a fish," JT replied.

"I don't wanna touch the worms though," Jordie said.

"You hafta touch the worms if you want to catch a fish." Even though Colleen didn't see her, she could hear Anabelle's eyes rolling.

"I've got you covered, buddy. No one has to touch a worm if they don't want to."

Colleen found what she was looking for and finished making the drinks, then handed them to the kids, who took them carefully in both hands.

"Look Ana, she gave me three cherries," Jordie said, awestruck.

"Me too," said Anabelle.

JT gave her a wink. "Who knew the secret to a kid's heart was a preserved fruit full of red dye number five?"

He guided them away from the bar with a hand resting lightly on each of their shoulders. Even as she took orders and made small talk with the guests, she kept track of them through the crowd.

He was so good with them, so easy, she thought as she watched him help the kids fill up small paper plates with appetizers. At one point he bent his head low to hear something that Ana had to say. Whatever it was made him throw his head back and laugh, then grab the little girl in a quick, fierce hug.

Her heart clenched in her chest, seeing how much he clearly adored them. And it wasn't just that they were his niece and nephew. Of course, they were special to him, but he was great with all the kids who visited the ranch.

He would make such a great dad one day...

She thrust the thought out of her brain. Whether he did or didn't, it was no business of hers. She wasn't in the market for that anymore.

Still, as she watched him sling Jordie up onto his shoulders without missing a beat in his conversation with one of the guests, she couldn't help thinking of the last time they'd gone to visit Gregory's sister after she'd had her first baby.

Gregory's eyes had widened in fear as his sister Grace had placed the baby in his arms. "I don't know if that's a good idea," he demurred. "I don't want to hurt him or anything."

"Come on, you did a pediatric rotation," Colleen teased.

"And there's a reason I went into orthopedic surgery," he replied, trying but failing to keep the tension out of his voice. Still, he took the baby and cradled him awkwardly against his chest for about two minutes before passing him over to Colleen.

Unlike her husband, Colleen had been enchanted by the baby nestled against her. She smiled down into his cooing little face, felt like her heart was going to burst when he gave her a wide, gummy grin. "Isn't he adorable?"

"Sure, if you consider pooping yourself and crying all night long adorable," Gregory said with a laugh that sounded forced.

More memories followed, of Gregory with his niece and nephew, of Gregory around their friends' kids. How he seemed to view them as nothing more than a nuisance.

That was the man she'd been desperate to have a baby with, she thought with a little shudder.

"You okay?" JT's voice startled her from her memories.

"Yeah, why?" she said and flashed a smile at Jordie and Anabelle, determined not to let their beloved uncle out of their sight.

"You just had a funny look on your face."

Just realizing another bullet I dodged, she thought. "It's nothing."

The dinner bell rang, signaling everyone to finish their drinks and head to their tables.

"C'mon, Uncle JT." Anabelle was tugging at his hand. "We gotta eat so we can go riding!"

"Family dinner calls," he said, indicating the table where his mom, dad, Paulina, Cort, and Justine were already seated. "But I'll see you later."

A rush of heat and excitement flowed through her at the thought, chasing away the memories of her ex and the many ways she'd blinded herself to what had been right in front of her.
