Page 40 of Calder

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“Are you okay, Kady?” comes from Finan.

I nod, deciding now is the time to say my piece then I am running for the shower to wash the night off me.

“It was my choice to help you guys out and I do not regret it. It was not only Calder in there who messed up, I was with him, so I take half the blame. What he said was true, this sexual tension has been building between us, and being in that atmosphere it ramped up what we were both feeling. I am sorry that we made things harder but you all have to take part blame in this also.

“You all knew there was tension between us, yet you all agreed to ask me. If you thought for a second that there was the possibility that we could fuck up, then one of you should have come inside the club with us.”

The guys look at me then look to the floor, all except Finan who gives me a chin lift in appreciation for standing up for his brother.

“That club is highly sexually charged, brothers. Even a virgin would drop to her knees and suck a cock that was on offer as soon as she walked through the door,” Calder pipes up.

“You are far from a fucking virgin, brother; you should have shown fucking restraint and done your job.”

“Since when?”

“Since when what?” Maverick asks Calder.

Calder looks to Finan. “When have you ever known me to have restraint?”

“Not the time, Cald,” Finan adds, looking as frustrated as I am.

Calder likes to joke around, and he will be serious when he needs to be, but right now, I can see that he is trying to damp down the annoyed and angry brothers for my sake.

“We can track her again and go to the club and this time we will play it cool and get the job done,” Calder tries but the guys are already shaking their heads.

“Fuck no, we will catch her another way,” Royal gripes.

He looks to his phone, a smile slipping across his lips, and I know that it is my sister who just sent a text to him. Royal is great for my sister, perfect actually.

“I will look into what other shit she does; maybe Cal can follow her and get her on something illegal,” Maverick says.

“Nah, brother, she has been smart all the way; she will make sure there is no reason for her to be pulled over.” Finan scratches his chin while he says this.

They are all thinking of ways to catch this bitch, but I am not in the head space to help. My brain is fried and I need hot water to help me relax after the fiasco at the club. I mean I fucked Calder in public; okay, maybe not public, public but in the middle of a club where people watched.

Never in my life have I had sex with someone other than in a locked room. Hell, I have never had sex on a sofa, or in a shower. Even though I love sex, I have never been overly wild about the act, I was just happy to have a decent dicking and an orgasm.

“I am going to shower, I need to wash the day and night off me. I feel icky.”

“Hey, I do not make women feel icky. What the fuck, Kitten?”

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I close my eyes.

“Shut up.”

As I leave the guys talking, I hear something about planning another attempt to catch this bitch who is stealing from people. If you are that desperate for money, get a fucking job. Stop being a coward and stealing from others.

It makes me sick that people lie, cheat, and steal to make themselves feel and look better.

Reaching the bathroom, I turn on the shower and strip while the water is warming up. Using some face wipes I clean off my makeup, then climb into the hot water. The room fills up with steam, as I let the hot stream cascade down my body.

Thinking back to what we did at the club, my body buzzes for his touch again. I am not a naïve girl who will think that Calder Price will drop at my feet because we have had sex, and I have no doubt that all that he said while in there is because of the arousal that was rushing through his body.

Most men think with their dicks.

Swiping my hands over my head I smooth down my hair, letting the spray of the water hit my face. Holding my breath I soak in the heat, letting it wash away any negativity that has landed on me today.

I hear the soft click of the bathroom door, then he is there, stepping into the shower with me. Keeping my back to him, I wash my hair, then my body, not speaking one word to him. There is nothing more to be said right now.
