Page 95 of Flurry

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When I texted Alexander back this morning to let him know I could easily change my plans, he called me, told me where to be and when. Asked if I’d stay with him tonight and tomorrow after his game. I couldn’t say no. I wouldn’t say no. For weeks, all I’ve wanted was a little time with him so I can get a sense of what’s happening, where his head is at, and where we stand. A bit of reassurance and validation to ease the amount of missing him.

Wow, that makes me sound needy as fuck.

It is not an attractive trait, but at least I can be honest about it. The first step to fixing it is admitting it.

When I stop off in Beaumont for a coffee, I send Alexander a text letting him know I’m about ninety minutes out.


Drive safe, love you.

For a few long minutes, I stare at the text, half expecting it to disappear or for the letters to shuffle around into new words. When they don’t, I smile and get back in the car. As I’m about to start it up and finish my drive, my phone rings.

“Hey, Willa,” I greet, putting it on speaker so I can get back on the road while we talk.

“Did you know?” I’m not sure what she’s talking about, but she doesn’t sound like it’s any sort of emergency. More wonder than anything.

“Know what?”

“That Zander was going to add me to the Wives and Girlfriends group?”

“No,” I say, trying not to laugh at her shocked tone. “That’s good, right? Makes you official and gives Isla a wingman in the group.”

“He added me to his health insurance, too.”

“Again, a good thing. Yes?”

“It’s surprising. He didn’t tell me he was going to do it.”

“Maybe he’s feeling generous,” I tell her. “I can ask him, I’m on my way to Houston now.”

“You’re not coming home today,” she asks. “And also, hi, how are you? Sorry, I skipped over that when you answered.”

“It’s fine, beautiful. I’m good and I’m happy to hear your voice. And no, I’m not coming home just yet. He asked me to change my plans.”

There’s a brief pause before she speaks again.

“That’s so fucking sweet,” she says, and I can hear the emotion she tries to control.

“Are you crying, Ms. Cole?”

“No,” she lies. “Okay, maybe a little. It’s just that I know how much you’ve both been missing each other. And I’m happy. Shut up.”

“You, my love, may be the most ridiculously adorable human I’ve ever known,” I tell her. “How’s it going with Callie?”

“I don’t know, good enough, I guess. She’s not as chatty with me as she used to be, but she isn’t being rude either. I wish she’d open up with me about whatever is going on with her.”

“Sorry to hear that. Hopefully, Alexander can get it sorted in the off season.”

“I hope so,” she agrees. Willa doesn’t stop the conversation right away, instead she keeps me company for the next half hour of my drive. She asks me a hundred questions about New Orleans and my friends there. I can’t wait to take her with me on a trip home, show her all the spots that mean something to me.

“Someday I hope to see the city with you,” she says, mimicking my thoughts.

“You just tell me when, Willa. I’d be happy to take you home.”

More than that, I’d be proud to have her with me. She’s accomplished, smart, kind, and determined. Not to mention drop-dead gorgeous with her honey curls and freckled nose. Only a stupid man wouldn’t want a woman the likes of Willa Cole. I’m many things but not that.

By the time I pull up to the valet at the hotel, I’m feeling more like myself than I have in weeks. Whatever has had me so morose the past few weeks has passed. I’m ready to see my boyfriend.
