Page 79 of Flurry

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Alexander is the first to move, climbing off the bed, he picks Willa up in his arms. Cradling her like she’s the most precious thing, because she is.

“To the bathroom with you,” he mumbles in the curtain of her hair.

“Yes, sir.”

Our after-sex routine is always one of two things. We either end up bathing together, or Willa returns from the bathroom with warm washcloths. If they want to shower tonight, he’s going to have to carry my ass in there too. Because right now, I’m not willing to leave this sanctuary that still holds their heat and their scent.

It feels safe here, like home. Another all-new feeling for me. I wonder if this is what it’s like to hear sound for the first time or see color. I imagine my heart blooming, coming alive with new growth after it has sat inside me withered and dry for so long.

Love is a wondrous and powerful thing.

As it happens, they both come out of the bathroom. Alexander with a washcloth in hand. He doesn’t allow me to take it from him, instead handling it himself. Another revelation, because I feel no awkwardness or discomfort in letting him.

Willa snuggles closer but keeps a small distance.

“I don’t know if it will always be like this,” I say, turning to her. “But come closer.”

I stretch my arm out, and she moves into my chest. Alexander takes a position at her back, studying my face. Can he see the changes I feel? Are they powerful enough to permeate the very air? Of course not, but they’re mighty enough to change the course of my life.

These aren’t the first people I’ve cared about. There is Fig, his family, and Delilah. However, these are the first people I’d never question laying my life down for or giving my wealth to without question. I’d even leave, if that was what was best for them. But I’ll never do anything to warrant that. I’ll never cause them pain or harm, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep others from doing that as well.

If that’s not love, then love isn’t what this aching deep down in my soul is.

Alexander’s hand comes to rest on my chest, over my heart. A sign that he’s protecting me just as much as I am them. I feel something else new and rare for me.




The last four days have been an exhausting whirlwind. We’re home, and after so many school visits, we’ve decided on one and she’s finally enrolled. It’s an all-girls school which I feel tremendous relief from. Callie was all for it, too. Maybe that shouldn’t surprise me with our conservative background, but it did.

All I know is that this parenting thing is too new for me to have to deal with her trying to bring a boyfriend home any time soon.

She spent the first half of today shadowing another student. When I picked her up, she was all smiles. It’s costing me a lot, but that should be easier when my contract is renewed after this season. Assuming I continue to play well. And here in Seattle.

One thing is for sure, we’re going to need a bigger place. I’ve given Callie my bedroom, which leaves me on the couch. My ridiculously comfortable couch, of course, but it’s not the same as a bed. Besides, I could use a little privacy, too.

Hers is more important just now, though. Callie’s already had to give up so much by leaving her friends, family, and the only place she’s ever known. Switching from a very small town to a very large city is a rush in itself. She’s never taken public transportation or had to worry about walking anywhere safely.

Everything here is new for her. While she’s excited, it’s also daunting. She liked the girl she shadowed today, quite a lot. Hopefully, she’ll make friends quickly. Having a sidekick will make me feel better. Especially with how often I’m gone.

My mother should be here. I silently curse her for not making Callie a priority over my drunk dad.

Callie doesn’t feel the same. She wants no contact with him, but she’s called our mother plenty of times since we flew out here. So, I keep my raw feelings to myself, she doesn’t need to be influenced by my opinion. She’ll have time to come to her own conclusions.

I grew up in hockey, a team sport. It’s all I know. Now everything weighs heavy on just me. Callie’s well-being, my mother possibly becoming my father’s punching bag, keeping my burgeoning relationship with Damian and Willa quiet. Not only from the press, but from Callie until I can figure out how to broach that conversation.

All while maintaining my position on the team.

Pressure has always been a part of my life, just never this intense. Never with so much at stake. One wrong move and I risk losing so much.

Too many things are shifting in my life at a breakneck pace.

I just got Callie here and tomorrow I have to leave her for a six-day away stretch. It fucking sucks. I won’t be here for her first week at her new school, or while she settles into this city. I’m heavily relying on Willa and Isla for support, which is equally shitty because they have their own lives and responsibilities. This isn’t fair to either of them, or Callie.

She’s doing her best to understand and be supportive, but at the end of each day, she curls up so close to me on the couch, I know she has doubts and insecurities.
