Page 54 of Flurry

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“We never discussed the possibility of two of us being with each other when the third isn’t there. After the glow faded, I was instantly upset. Because here we are, fucking against the wall while you’re away in Chicago with a bunch of smelly teammates.”

“Against the wall, huh?”

“Yeah,” says Damian. “She was wearing this tight skirt, with nothing on underneath, I might add.”

“I didn’t want panty lines,” she explains.

“The little tank top she had on under her blazer is ruined though.”

“You ripped it?” I ask.

“There wasn’t time to remove it properly.” His smirk has grown, and Willa follows our conversation with her eyes.

“You’re really not bothered,” she asks.

“I’m only sad I missed it, baby.” The tension in her jaw eases and her eyes gain a little of their normal sparkle. This woman is too kind for her own good.

“I told you he wouldn’t be upset,” Damian says.

“I told you, I needed to hear that for myself.”

“Well, now you have,” I tell her. “Maybe you two want to tell me what happened in more detail, so I have something to satisfy myself with before I fall asleep.

Now, she blushes.

“First, tell us what’s going on with Callie,” Damian says. I’ve filled them in on what happened in Minnesota. Cillian got me in touch with his attorney, Mark, the next day, but legally, I don’t have many options.

“Mark’s drafting some documents, but right now, if I can’t get my parents to willingly give me guardianship, there’s no quick way to get her out of there.” Without documented abuses, there isn’t a lot we can do. It’s not like I can just kidnap her.

“What if we pay him off?”

“Would that work,” Willa asks.

“Maybe,” I admit. My mother has said he misses more and more work since his drinking habit has increased. Many times, I’ve offered to send her money, but so far, she’s refused. That doesn’t mean he would. But in exchange for custody of my sister, he’d want a lot. “It would probably take more than I have.”

“Not more than I have, though.”

“I don’t want you to do that.”

“More than you want to get Callie out of there?”

“Of course not,” I relent.

“Then make him an offer he can’t refuse, and let’s bring her home.”

How much would it take for him to give up his daughter? She’s an easy target, timid and kind. He won’t want to let that go easily unless it’s for a very attractive price. My stomach turns at giving him anything he doesn’t deserve.

But for Callie, I might have to set principles aside.

“We can talk about it more when I get home. For now, can we circle back to how hot and bothered Willa gets when I fight.”



Spring is coming early this year. It’s still early in the year, but with all the sun we’ve been getting, the plant life is confused. The cherry trees are starting to sprout their buds. I’m finished with classes today and meeting Isla and Sadie for an early dinner. The team isn’t back until tomorrow so we’re getting a girls evening in. I’ve been so occupied with school, and Isla with work, that we haven’t seen one another since the gala. It’s been longer since seeing Sadie.

I used to live with them both, before Cillian came back to Seattle. It was a hard adjustment for me to not see Sadie every day. They don’t know this, but I cried myself to sleep the first few nights. She’s where she needs to be though, with a daddy who loves her.
