Page 4 of Touch In The Dark

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“What can I do for you?” I asked, excited that this conversation could reveal my promotion to senior partner.

“We have a potential new client that I want you to handle,” Sidney began. “Hugh Fox, the attorney for Triage, has recently retired and River Stevenson is seeking new representation. Have you ever heard of Triage International?”

“Are you kidding? Who hasn’t?” I replied, enthusiastically taking the blue folder from Sidney’s outstretched hand.

“I want you to familiarize yourself with every aspect of the company. You have a week.”

“A week?”

“I’ve set up a meeting with a representative next Monday. We need to make a good impression on Triage, or at least you do. Landing this company could mean great things for you.” Sidney pushed from his chair and walked to the door before turning my way. “Don’t disappoint me, Harper.”

My survival in this cutthroat industry depended on landing Triage International as a client, and it seemed like Sidney was betting all his chips on me. I could feel his piercing gaze burning into me as he left, leaving behind a lingering sense of pressure and expectation.

I pulled my chair closer to my desk and reached for the file. My hands shook with nervousness and determination. Flipping through pages upon pages of information on Triage, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of frustration that there were no pictures of the secretive man behind the company. What was he hiding? And why did he need to keep his identity shrouded in mystery? With Triage’s wealth and power, anything could be bought—including silence and control.

I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the task at hand. I couldn’t let my personal biases affect this meeting. If I wanted to impress Sidney and secure this important client, I needed to keep my feelings about Triage hidden. As I delved deeper into the file, my initial impressions of the enigmatic businessman remained unchanged. Despite all the good deeds listed on paper, there was something unsettling about someone who refused to take credit for their actions. It only made me more determined to uncover the truth behind Triage—no matter what it took. Potential client or not, it was up to me to let Sidney know the truth about Triage International and its nameless owner.

It was approaching lunchtime, and I was more than ready to take a break. Grabbing my purse from my bottom desk drawer, I locked my computer and made my way to the elevator. Standing near the elevator door was Drake Pierson. He was the last person I wanted to see today.

As we waited for the elevator, I could feel the tension building between us. It was always like this with Drake.

“Congratulations on the new client,” he said, and I braced myself for the inevitable crude comment that would follow. He couldn’t just give a genuine compliment without adding in a snide remark.

“Thanks,” I replied shortly, already pressing the down button again so I could escape his presence.

But as we stepped into the elevator, there was no backlash from him. Maybe he was actually being sincere for once. But then he had to ruin it.

“How many times did you have to grovel to get Sidney to cave?” he asked with a smirk. And I couldn’t help but wonder if his jealousy was rooted in something deeper.

His words were like a slap in the face, reminding me of our constant competition and how I always seemed to come out on the bottom.

I knew better than to engage in his games, but I couldn’t resist. “Why do you always have to be such an ass?” I challenged him, knowing full well that he wouldn’t answer.

He straightened his tie and spoke in a self-important tone. “Let me clue you in on a little secret. The only reason Sidney gave you the Triage account is because he gave me the Leonard account.”

Suddenly, I didn’t know what stung more—his insult or the revelation of my boss’s favoritism. The Leonard account was huge and highly coveted at our firm. And yet, Sidney had chosen Drake over me. It made no sense—unless Drake wasn’t as incompetent as everyone thought he was.

But I couldn’t let him see how much this bothered me. Instead, I forced out a sarcastic laugh. “Of course, he did,” I replied. “Because giving a major account to someone who screws everything up is such a brilliant move.” One point for Scott.

Inside, however, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of betrayal and uncertainty about my future at the firm. Would Drake always have an advantage over me? The Leonard account was huge, and it was Sidney’s prized possession. So why did he give it to Drake? He was known for ruining everything he touched. As much as I hated to admit it, Drake’s taunting had planted a seed of doubt in my mind. Maybe there was more to this situation than met the eye. Maybe I wasn’t as deserving of this opportunity as I thought. But then again, maybe Drake was just being his usual vindictive self. It was hard to tell with him. All I knew was that working with him would be a constant battle between wanting to prove myself and wanting to prove him wrong. And in that moment, all I could do was hope that my hard work and determination would prevail over his sabotage tactics.

When I left the office building, I tried to focus on something else. Reaching in my purse, I pulled out my cell, along with the sticky note I had stuck on the screen. I held my phone in my hand as I slipped into my favorite coffee shop. Marco’s Café not only had the best vanilla lattes; they also made the best sandwiches ever. Being close to the firm was another thing I loved about Marco’s Café. I could always grab a quick lunch to take back to the office. But instead of spending my lunch in my office, I grabbed a seat at one of the tables facing the street.

As I held my cell in my hand, I hesitated before making the call, unsure if I was ready to take this chance. But as soon as I heard the recording, my heart sank. Did they really expect me to fill out an online application just to participate in their blind dating game? It felt invasive and judgmental, but at the same time, maybe it was necessary. As I typed in the web address, my mind raced with doubts and fears. Was I good enough for this game? Would they reject me based on my profile alone? The thought made me second-guess my decision to even try this in the first place.

I followed the step-by-step instructions and filled out a detailed profile application, wondering why anyone would need this much information for a blind dating game. As I continued to answer each question, I realized they would be scrutinizing every detail of my life to determine if I was worthy of their game. The thought of being judged and possibly rejected filled me with nervous anticipation and dread.

I scrolled through my cell’s gallery and selected the most flattering selfie I could find and attached it to the application as my profile picture. My thumb hovered over the submit button—my pulse raced as I stared at the screen. The photo I had chosen to represent myself stared back at me—a plastic smile plastered on my face. It wasn’t perfect, but it was the best I had. I could feel the weight of $10,000 resting on this one decision. If chosen, I could put a chunk of the money toward my student loan debt. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and let my finger press against the screen with finality. A rush of adrenaline surged through my body as I realized there was no going back now. All I could do was hope for the best as I waited for their decision.



As Niles entered through the thick steel door, I couldn’t believe the transformation he had undergone in just a few months. His once familiar face was now hardened, chiseled into stone by anger and resentment. A thick beard covered his jawline, making him look more like a dangerous criminal than ever before. And perhaps that’s exactly what he had become, spending the rest of his days locked up with hardened inmates in this maximum-security prison.

I sat across from him at the small visiting booth, my hands shaking as I picked up the receiver. Niles did the same, his cold demeanor sending shivers down my spine. “You look like shit,” I blurted out, unable to hide the bitterness in my voice.

Niles scoffed, a bitter smile twisting his lips. “I’m sure you didn’t come here just to comment on my appearance. What do you want, River?”
