Page 38 of Touch In The Dark

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Grasping her perfect ass in my hands, I lifted her from the tiled floor and held her close to my body. Her arms and legs wrapped around me and pulled me close. I reached between us and guided my cock inside her. Every emotion splashed as I pivoted my hips forward. I never made love to a woman angry for fear that I would lose control and hurt them. I pushed the anger aside and made love to Harper the way she deserved.



Gretta had outdone her dinner the night before. It was no wonder River was so fond of her. The breakfast she had prepared for us was a feast fit for royalty—fluffy scrambled eggs, golden Belgian waffles drizzled with maple syrup, and perfectly crispy bacon that sizzled on our plates. As delicious as the food was, the atmosphere at the table was anything but enjoyable. The men all seemed tense and on edge. Something had happened between last night and this morning.

I couldn’t stand the tension any longer, so I put my fork down with a clatter and looked between them. “Would someone care to tell me what’s going on? The tension in here is suffocating.”

River was the first to meet my gaze, his expression reflecting the severity of the situation. I could tell something bad had happened. He reached across the table and took my hand in his, giving me a forced smile as he said, “Everything is fine. We just have a lot on our minds.”

But I knew there was more to it than that. Sure, we were all worried about Niles and his whereabouts, but there was something else weighing heavily on their minds. “I know we’re all worried about Niles, but I have a feeling that’s not the only thing bothering you guys.”

“Can I speak to you privately for a moment?” River rose from his chair, his eyes fixed on mine.

I felt like a scolded child as I followed him out of the dining room, aware of Axe’s and Brian’s curious gazes following us. River led me to his study and closed the door behind us, indicating that whatever he had to say was meant for my ears only.

I took a seat on the couch and watched him walk over to the window. The room was silent except for the old grandfather clock ticking in rhythm as the pendulum moved back and forth. I wanted to ask River what was going on, but he turned from the window toward me. “Everything I have accomplished in my life, I have done on my own.”

“What’s going on, River?” I asked, confused.

When he walked over to where I was sitting, there was something different about him. He no longer stood tall and confident, like I remembered. Even after everything that happened, he still embodied power. But looking at him now, his eyes no longer held the beautiful blue luster they once had. Instead, they bore defeat and hopelessness.

Instead of waiting for him to come to me. I stood from the couch and approached him. Placing my hand on his cheek, I asked again, “What is it?” this time in a softer voice.

“It’s gone. Triage is gone.”


Not one time had I taken my eyes off of River as he explained to me what happened. With every word he said, my heart broke a little more for him. If I knew for sure where Niles Harris was, I would kill him for what he did to River. I hadn’t even met the man, but I hated him. Triage was his life and for it to be taken away—I couldn’t even image what he was going through.

Wrapped in the warmth of River’s embrace, a sudden knock at the door broke the surreal moment. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead before getting up to answer it. My eyes followed him as he strode toward the door, anticipation building in my chest.

As he opened the door, I couldn’t help but fixate on the figure standing on the other side—Davian Cross. He entered the study, Axe close behind, and my stomach churned with curiosity. Why was he here? The only explanation I could come up with was that he had heard about the destruction of the Triage Building.

“I heard about Triage,” Davian began, confirming my suspicions. “I’ve instructed Patton to gather all information on how the fire happened.”

“I know exactly how it happened,” River interjected sharply. “It was Niles.”

His words echoed what I had been thinking. After everything River had told me about his brother, it seemed like Niles was the only one cruel enough to do something like this. Instead of adding my own thoughts, I remained silent and listened intently to their conversation.

“If you need anything, just let me know,” Davian offered sincerely.

“I plan on rebuilding,” River admitted. “But not in Chicago. Atlanta is my home now, and I might need your help finding a suitable building.”

“Whatever you need, my friend,” Davian replied.

A mix of emotions flooded through me as I heard his decision. I was glad he still had the determination to rebuild Triage International, but why did it have to be in Atlanta? As if sensing my inner turmoil, River turned his gaze to me, silently asking for my approval. While it was ultimately his decision, I couldn’t be a part of it. Chicago was my home and I couldn’t imagine leaving everything behind to start over in Atlanta.

“Looks like you two have a lot to discuss,” Davian interrupted, noticing the uncertain expressions River and I were sharing. “If I hear anything new, I’ll be in touch.”

Davian and Axe left the study, closing the door behind them. River and I just stared at each other. I didn’t know what to say. I was so confused. I wanted to be with River, but I didn’t want to leave Chicago. Long-distance relationships never worked out, at least not for me.

I had to make a choice. Leave everything that I had worked so hard for to be with River—or stay in Chicago and break things off with River. My heart was telling me one thing, while my head was telling me another.

River wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close. “I know this is going to be hard for you. I really want you here with me in Atlanta. But whatever you decide, we will make it work.”

More than wanting things to go back to the way they were when we first met, I wanted God to give me a sign of what to do. Whichever way I decided, I would have regrets. Instead of immediately making a decision I would regret, I decided to wait. “I would like to think about it,” I replied. “This is a big decision and I really need to think about it.”
