Page 34 of Touch In The Dark

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With everything I knew about Drake Pierson, there was no doubt in my mind that he would. While Harper had been discussing taking a leave of absence with our friend Sidney, I had received a call from Davian. Harper had mentioned winning a difficult case against Turner Investments, and it had raised some red flags for me. Two companies in Chicago with the same name wasn’t just a coincidence. Davian instructed Patton to do some digging, and I was glad he had. It was discovered that Turner International had recently been purchased by Turner Investments. What was even more disturbing was finding out that Scott Turner, the owner of Turner Investments, was the brother of Jed Turner. But even more unsettling was the fact that Drake Pierson, also known as Julian Turner, was involved in this transaction as well. Drake was Jed’s only son, and he inherited Turner International when Jed died.

If Harper knew the truth about this tangled web of connections, I feared it would weigh heavily on her conscience and make her feel even more guilty than she already did.

Releasing my hold, I swiped my thumb across her cheek. “Let’s go home. I think we both deserve the day off.”

Harper’s head bobbed in agreement as she settled back into her seat, tension etching lines on her face. My mind raced with thoughts of how to protect her now that the truth was out. Drake was unpredictable, and I had no doubt he would do anything to hide his secret. Scott Turner was a mystery to me, but if he shared any traits with his brother, I knew Harper’s safety was more crucial than ever.

As I navigated through the bustling traffic, my mind dwelled on Jed’s connection to Crosby McCall. Though I had no concrete evidence, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Scott also had ties to McCall and his shady associates—potentially even my own brother. It was a dangerous web that I feared extended all the way to the Russian Mafia.

The Triage Building’s parking garage loomed ahead as my thoughts cleared and a plan formed in my mind. I had to get Harper out of Chicago and back to Atlanta—it was the only place where I had a chance at keeping her safe from Niles and anyone else who might come after us. Until then, my shelter in Atlanta would serve as our temporary refuge—a small haven a few miles from my home in a wooded area. It would keep her safe from this chaotic city. Every second spent here put us both in danger, and I knew I had to act fast before it was too late.

Before we stepped out of the car, I called Sarah to let her know my meeting with Dominic would have to be postponed. Taking care of Harper seemed more important than discussing electric buses. As we headed to the elevator, I noticed Brian standing near the elevator, a sense of urgency and concern etched on his face. It was no surprise to see him there, as I had sent him a quick text before leaving the law firm, letting him know that I had Harper safe with me in the car. But it seemed he had broken every speed law in existence to get here before us.

I kept my gaze fixed on him as he strode toward us. Meeting us halfway between my car and the elevator, I could see from his expression that something had him deeply concerned.

“There is only one reason you are here before us,” I surmised, studying him intently. “What is it, Brian?”

“We have a situation, sir. I will explain everything on our way to the airport,” Brian said, gesturing toward the black SUV that I had provided for him on the day I hired him.

He opened the back passenger door and guided Harper inside first. There were a few questions burning in my mind that I needed to ask before he revealed too much information. “What is going on, Brian?”

“Niles was spotted just a block away from the Triage Building. You and Ms. Scott are not safe here,” he replied in a low voice. “I took the liberty of packing some of your belongings and Ms. Scott’s as well. Mr. Cross will be waiting for us in Atlanta.”

Though I wasn’t ready to accept this information, deep down I knew it was only a matter of time before Niles came back to Chicago seeking revenge against me. And I also knew he wouldn’t do it alone. “What about my mother? Have there been any signs of her presence?”

“Negative. As far as we know, only Niles was seen,” he replied as he placed his hand on the driver’s door handle. “We really need to go, sir.”

Just as we were about to pull out of the garage, Mark emerged from the elevator and began sprinting toward our vehicle. He flung open the front passenger door and quickly climbed inside. “Apologies for my tardiness, sir. I had to ensure everything was secure with the security team.”

Mark was another one of my most trusted men, his years of experience evident in his poised demeanor. With him and Brian by my side, I felt a sense of security and confidence that allowed me to focus on other things while feeling safe.


When Brain pulled the SUV in front of my private jet, my trusted pilot was already standing outside. The only reason Neal Strong would be waiting for us on the tarmac instead of in the cockpit was because he, too, had some disturbing information to share.

I opened the back door of the SUV and assisted Harper out. Her uneasiness in taking hold of my hand told me this was all too much for her. Once we were safely in the air. I would explain everything to her. But for now, we needed to get on the plane and get the hell out of here.

With a tight grip on her hand, I led the few feet to the jet. Stopping directly in front of Neal, I let go of her hand. “Go ahead inside. I’ll be right there.”

Harper looked up at me, annoyance evident on her face. Without going into what was going on, she climbed up the steps in silence. When she was safely aboard, only then did I turn to Neal.

“What is going on?” I asked.

“Nothing to worry about. Just waiting for the final inspection before we are approved to take off.” Neal turned his sights away from me to the man in a fluorescent orange vest on the other side of the jet.

I turned my sights to the man dressed in orange. “I hope everything is okay.”

“It’s just procedure. We should be up in the air in fifteen,” Neal reassured me.

I wanted to get to Harper as quickly as possible, so instead of continuing my conversation with Neal, I ascended the stairs to the plane. Once inside, I moved to the back of the jet where Harper had made herself comfortable on the couch. Her hands were crossed on her lap and she was rubbing one thumb over the other. This was a telltale sign that she was worried.

I took a seat next to her and took hold of her hand, if only to stop her actions. Now that we were safely on the plane, it was time I told her what was going on. “My brother was spotted near the Triage Building. Before anything bad happened to us, it was best we that we leave Chicago.”

Before I could give her any further explanation, three men entered the plane behind Brian. My emotions were mixed as my eyes fell upon my half-brother Axe and two of the men who worked with him. I rose to my feet and walked over to where they were standing. When I reached Axe, instead of shaking his hand, I pulled him in for a hug.

“It’s good to see you Axe,” I said.

“You too. Sorry the circumstances couldn’t be better,” Axe replied.
