Page 21 of Touch In The Dark

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I held my breath as I waited for her response, fearing she would reject me. But to my pleasant surprise, she said with a hint of amusement in her voice. “I hope you like deli sandwiches.”

A smile spread across my face as I replied, “I love deli sandwiches. And rumor has it that Monty’s Delicatessen has the best ham on rye in all of Chicago.”

Harper couldn’t help but laugh as she looked up at me. “How do you always know what I like?”

I shrugged nonchalantly, keeping my discovery about “Sally’s” perfume to myself. “I guess we just have similar tastes.”

I stepped back, allowing Harper to gracefully exit the building before me. As she walked ahead, I admired her curves and the way her body moved with such effortless grace. Our destination, Monty’s, was only a few blocks away, leaving little time for us to discuss the events of last night. My heart raced at the thought of bringing it up and potentially driving her away, so I decided to let her broach the subject in her own time.

As we arrived at Monty’s, I noticed that there were only three people standing in line. The aroma of freshly baked bread and warm pastries wafted toward us, enticing our senses and inviting us inside. The storefront boasted large glass windows, adorned with handwritten chalkboard signs showcasing today’s specials.

When we got to the front of the line, she ordered a BLT wrap and I ordered a ham on rye with all the fixings. We were given a number to let us know when our order was up. Looking around the small restaurant, I spotted a table for two near a window.

“There is a table by the window,” I suggested as I pointed to the small table for two.

I waited patiently for her to take a seat, watching as she smoothed out the wrinkles on her skirt. Finally settling into the chair across from me, I reached for her hand resting on the table. Giving it a light squeeze, I spoke softly, “Thank you for letting me share your lunch with you.”

Her response was not what I had expected. Pulling her hand away, she began in a serious tone, “There is a reason I invited you here today. What happened last night can never happen again. If I am going to continue to be your attorney, things between us must remain strictly professional.”

Though I knew this was her belief, I couldn’t help but see things differently. Our encounter last night had affected her deeply and I could tell by the way her body reacted to my touch that she wanted more. But instead of following her heart, she let her loyalty to the firm get in the way.

“So let me make sure I understand,” I repeated back to her. “As long as you are my attorney, our relationship must remain purely professional.”

“That is exactly what I’m saying.” She nodded firmly, reaffirming her stance.

“Well then, there’s only one thing left to do,” I stated calmly. “You’re fired.”

Her eyes widened in disbelief. “What? You can’t fire me!”

“If our relationship is a conflict of interest for you as my attorney, then I have no choice,” I explained. “I want to be with you, Harper. If dismissing you from your position as my attorney is the only way to make that happen, so be it.”

My admission hung in the air between us like a weight. Her face displayed a mixture of emotions—surprise, disbelief, and possibly even regret. But then her features hardened, and she cursed under her breath.

“You can’t fire me,” she hesitated, weighing her options before finally speaking up. “Do you realize what could happen if anyone found out about us?”

“As I said before, I will make sure your job remains secure. Black, Worth, and Shell can’t afford to lose me as a client.” The words dripped with arrogance and privilege, and I felt confident that she would cave.

She tried to maintain her professional composure. She knew that keeping me as a client was crucial for her position at the prestigious law firm. But as much as she needed this job, I was still worried she wouldn’t agree to my terms.

“Number Twelve,” the server’s voice interrupted our conversation, causing Harper to take a deep breath and try to refocus on the task at hand.

“That’s us. I’ll grab our lunch,” I offered as I rose from my seat.

Returning to the table with our plates in hand, I found Harper typing away on her cell phone. Her fingers moved quickly across the screen, and I couldn’t help but wonder who she was messaging. Setting her sandwich down in front of her, I took a seat and waited for her to look up at me. When she finally did, she flashed me a smile that seemed uncertain.

“I’ve thought long and hard about what you said,” she began. “Although it pains me to do so, I have to make the best decision for myself. Being an attorney is all I’ve ever wanted—it’s been my dream since I can remember. And as much as it breaks my heart to say this, giving your account to Drake is the most logical option.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “The last person I want handling my account is that douchebag Drake,” I hissed. “If you’re not willing to keep my account, then I have no choice but to take it to another firm.”

Her expression turned pleading. “Please, River, you can’t do that. I would lose my job for sure.”

Harper didn’t back down. She had to know that Drake was the worst person to hand over my account to. She resented Drake as much as I did. How could she bring herself to hand over her hard work and dedication to someone who didn’t value it?

I remained resolute. “You need to trust me, Harper. Either you remain my attorney and continue seeing me, or I will find another firm. It’s that simple.” I held my breath as I waited for her response, hoping that she would finally see reason and agree to my terms.

The way her eyes bore into mine, I thought for sure she would see things my way. But instead, she stood up abruptly and her chair screeched against the floor. “You’re such an asshole,” she spat out with venom.

I sat there in disbelief as she calmly gathered her sandwich, carefully wrapping it in a napkin before walking away. The delicatessen was filled with chatter and laughter, but all I could focus on was the sound of her leaving. It was then that I knew I had gone too far. Without a second thought, I left my untouched meal at the table and followed after her.
