Page 1 of Touch In The Dark

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The delay of my flight back to Atlanta gave me a lot of time to think, mostly about my visit with my brother Axe and his wife, Kenzi Riley—the woman I should have been with. Seeing them living the life I had once envisioned for us filled me with conflicting emotions. On the one hand, I was happy for their love and success, but on the other, I felt a sharp pang of regret that she had chosen him over me. Knowing the only thing I could do was drown out my thoughts for a few hours, I headed down the moving walkway toward the Cockpit Bar. I had two hours to burn, and it seemed like the best choice.

When I entered, it seemed everyone else was in the same boat as me—trying to pass time away while waiting for their delayed flights. I found a spot at the bar and took a seat, ready to drink away all these contradictory feelings inside. Where there was a will, there was a way. And if I wanted something bad enough, I would have to find a way to get it. My dream of finding true love was still alive inside of me, and I wasn’t going to give up until every last drop of that dream had been squeezed into reality.

“What will it be, sir?” the bartender asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Jameson on the rocks. Better make it a double,” I replied.

It was a crazy thought, but I looked around the bar for any single women who might be a potential candidate. I always enjoyed a challenge. As I looked around, I found most of the patrons to be men sitting alone or sharing the company of woman. Maybe it was God’s way of telling me that finding romance in an airport just didn’t happen.

Placing my glass on the bar, I looked over at the chair next to me and noticed a copy of The Chicago Times sitting on it. I guessed I wasn’t the only one who read the newspaper while waiting for a flight. Looking around to make sure the guy who had sat there previously wasn’t still around, I took the paper in my hand and opened it up to the financial section, since it was the only piece of news I cared to read. There was one stock in particular that I was concerned about. Enertech Inc. was my biggest client and one that I had invested a large sum of money in. The way of the world was moving toward solar energy, and it was what they did best. It was a win-win for me to invest in their technology. Today’s gains made me smile. My stock investment just went up by 5%. That increase might have just secured my billionaire status. Cocky much? Hell no.

I ordered another Jamison from the bartender. The smooth, warm liquid burned down my throat and warmed my stomach. I continued to scan the rest of the newspaper; the pages crinkling slightly in protest as I turned them. When I was about to place it back on the chair, an ad on the bottom of the page caught my eye. In bold letters, ‘TAKE A CHANCE ON LOVE,’ was written across the top of the ad in vibrant, attention-grabbing red. Despite my better judgement, I read further. It revealed that this wasn’t just any blind dating game; it was a challenge for the brave and adventurous to take part in a profile quiz, and then decide whether or not to gamble $10,000 to be matched with Ms. Right. How deliciously thrilling! My blood sang with excitement at the prospect of such an unusual challenge. It was a steep price for sure, but worth every penny for those brave enough to test their fate. My heart raced wildly with anticipation—this was something that I could really sink my teeth into!

I pulled my cell from my coat pocket and took a snapshot of the ad before folding the paper and placing it back on the chair beside me. As I headed back to my gate, I contemplated calling the number on the ad, but decided to wait until I landed in Atlanta to reserve my spot. My visit to Atlanta should only last a couple of days and would give me plenty of time to return to Chicago to attend this event next week.


As I took a seat in first class, I couldn’t help but think about how much my life might change next week. Going to a blind dating game was the craziest thing I had ever done and was outside of the box, even for me. I only had one chance to pick the right woman. There were no second chances. This game was definitely going to be a life changer.

By the time the airplane landed at Hartsfield-Jackson Airport, I had pictured the woman I would meet. She would have all the traits of Kenzi, with one exception: she would be mine and not Axe’s. Her hair would be honey blonde and her eyes would be emerald green. I wouldn’t care if she was a lawyer or not, as long as she was successful in whatever career she had. Then there would be her spice—a must, if truth be told.

I headed to the curbside passenger pick-up and drop-off zone, where I was sure Davian Cross would be waiting for me. Along with my relationship with Axe, Davian was another friendship I would hold tight. Everything I thought about him was wrong, and I was glad that he had brought the truth to my attention. All these years, I had thought he was the cause of my wife’s death. Come to find out, he tried to save her. His only intention was to stop her from making a mistake she would regret the rest of her life. Tragedy struck when her paranoia got the best of her and she wasn’t watching where she was driving. To this day, her car still rests at the bottom of the Chicago River.

When I stepped through the electric doors, Davian was already waiting for me. It wasn’t hard to recognize his driver, who stood by the front of his Cadillac, leaning against the front fender. Patton Thomas was a man I respected and trusted. I just wished he worked for me instead of Davian. I could really use a man with his knowledge.

Davian opened the back door and locked eyes with me. His cocky persona was one of his traits I would never get used to, but I knew deep down in his heart he had a good soul—one worth more than all the gold in the world. I wouldn’t give up our friendship for anything.

“Davian, old friend,” I said, stretching out my hand in greeting. “Thanks for picking me up.”

“How was your flight? I hope the trip was profitable for you,” he asked after giving my hand a quick shake.

“It went well. Axe and his new crew seem to be fitting into their new location quite nicely,” I replied.

But before I could even finish my sentence, his face softened, and he said, “That’s good to hear, but that wasn’t what I was talking about.”

I knew exactly what he meant; it must have been difficult for Davian to shield me from the fact that it was my own mother who had caused every bit of pain and grief in our family. Even though it was Davian who had killed my brother, Van Wilkerson, she was responsible. A chill skittered through my veins as I realized the reason she wanted to take my brothers back to Italy. All this time we thought it was Van Wilkerson who was responsible for everything… but in reality, it was Magdalena Harris with her wicked plans pulling the strings from the shadows. So many lives were lost because of her machinations.

“Let’s not talk about my mother,” I replied tightly before switching topics. “There is something I want your opinion on.” I pulled out my cell phone and showed him a picture from my photo gallery. I concentrated on his reaction to the ad I had screenshot from the newspaper.

“Are you seriously thinking about doing this?” he asked as he handed me back my cell. “If you need a date, I know plenty of single women in Atlanta.”

“I think I am more than capable of getting my own dates,” I retorted. “I just thought this would be fun—a challenge.”

“It would definitely be that,” Davian chuckled. “It’s your money.”

I stuffed my cell back inside my pocket, feeling annoyed at Davian’s answer. It was my money and if I wanted to do this; it was my decision.


When Davian pulled his vehicle in front of my home, Gretta was there with open arms—her smile stretching from ear to ear. I had only been gone a couple of weeks, but considering her reaction to my arrival, for her it must have seemed much longer. Before I made it to the front porch, she was down the steps and embracing me in a heartfelt hug. Gretta was like family, and my life wouldn’t be the same without her in it. She was more of a mother to me than the one I had.

“I am so glad you’re home. I’ve missed you so much,” she exclaimed, her emotions getting the best of her. “I’ve cooked your favorite meal. Davian, I hope you are staying for dinner.”

“I would love to, but Reyna is waiting for me at home,” Davian replied regretfully.
