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"What's up? You usually light up at our visits like a kid with a box of donuts."

"Sorry, guys," I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "Just some personal stuff."

"Hope it's not more contract negotiations," Ryan groans.

"Oh, it's way worse."

"Worse than our triple date with those triplets?" Marcus smirks, recalling the memory.

I roll my eyes, a smile tugging at my lips. "Not that bad. But close."

"That's why we're here," Marcus says, his dark gaze probing. "Heard you were at the Furies game last night."

I blink. "So?"

"We figured you'd dodge the press know."

My frown deepens. They knew about last night's news.

"Since my dad decided to invest in our biggest rival?" I lean forward, resting on my desk.

"Yep, that's the one," Marcus nods. "Figured you might need some support. Or whiskey."

I snort. "Thanks, guys. I'm fine, honestly. Just focused on other decisions."

"Like the nanny?" Marcus inquires, eyebrow raised.

I glance up. "How'd you know?"

"Please," Ryan scoffs. "News travels fast here. This stadium is like a Game of Thrones cosplay. Our little birdies tell us everything."

"Just keep your little birdies quiet, or I'll find new little birdies to hire," I point at him, half-joking.

"Of course, Your Majesty," Marcus bows theatrically. "We're at your service."

"Yeah, cut the drama," I grumble.

"So, what's the decision?" Ryan leans forward, eager.

"As much as I hate to admit it, I need to hire someone," I sigh. "I can't juggle it all, and Grace deserves more than a stressed-out, absent parent."

Ryan nods sympathetically. "Tell me about it. Between Erika enrolling Lizzy into a million summer camps and Lizzy's new mermaid phase, I'm going ape-shit.”

I grunt in agreement. "Sounds like you need a nanny too."

"Seriously considering it," Ryan admits.

Marcus harrumphs. "Yeah, well, you call me when you have a four and three-year-old running around. It's like a freaking circus with Niyah and Elijah. And I'm not even the ring-leader."

We chuckle, the weight of our discussion momentarily lifted. In this moment, we're just dads trying to balance business, work, and family.

"Alright, enough distractions," I say with a clap of my hands, bringing us back to the topic at hand. "I need to get serious about finding a nanny."

Marcus leans in, pointer finger rubbing under his chin. "Hey, here's a crazy idea. How about this? We help you sort through the nanny candidates. We talk about most business decisions together. Why not this one?"

Ryan grins, scratching his jawline. "Not a bad idea. Plus, it'll be fun, like 'The Bachelor', but for nannies."

"You're comparing my search for a nanny to 'The Bachelor'?" I raise an eyebrow, voice deepening. "And why do I feel this will backfire spectacularly?"
