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"And I know. I know I should have said something sooner, if I was feeling this way. But I was scared. Scared of losing you, scared of being vulnerable, scared of messing things up between us. But I can't hold it in any longer. I love you, Lacey."

Tears start to form in her eyes and she takes a step closer to me, her hand reaching out to cup my cheek. "I love you too, Aidan. I've been so scared, but I do. I love you."

It's all I need to hear. All I need to know. The rest doesn't matter.

Not that she's my nanny. Not our age gap. Not my job or what people think.

With Lacey's confession, that last shred of doubt inside melts away, replaced by her silken kiss as I pull her to me, closing my mouth over hers.

Chapter Twenty


Beneath the moon's soft gaze, the boat deck becomes our own secluded universe, where every touch sparks galaxies within.

Aidan’s lips meet mine, insistent yet tender, as if he’s pouring every silent word, every restrained emotion into this one kiss. It’s a kiss that asks as much as it answers, brimming with a desperate hunger born of deprivation.

Pulled into this maelstrom, I lean in, my heart racing, yearning for the freedom that only Aidan seems to offer.

The air, heavy with desire, seems to thicken with the boat’s gentle sway. It’s as though the sea itself is pulling us closer. With Aidan, closer is never close enough.

My fingers weave into his silky dark hair, drawing him nearer as his hand wraps around my waist, securing me to him.

He traces my cheekbone, and we both realize we’re pressed so closely to the boat's railing that it might just give under our intensity. Aidan catches his breath, eyes locked on mine.

"May I?" he murmurs, his gaze drifting to the bold outline of my nipples against the red satin of my dress.

I nod. “Since we’re already in uncharted waters here, you might as well. Just so you know, if we capsize, I’m holding you responsible."

Aidan caresses my breasts with a reverence that sends shivers through me, exploring gently as if mapping new, prized territories.

"You know," he teases, his voice a low hum, "for someone worried about capsizing, you're certainly rocking my world."

Our laughter mixes with the rhythm of the waves, and in this moment, I’m swept away by the sea of sensations he awakens in me.

As Aidan eases the satin straps down, his lips trace my collarbone, descending to the valley between my breasts. The night air, warmed by our closeness, watches as Aidan’s fingers deftly lower the fabric, revealing my pebbled nipples to both his gaze and the night’s embrace.

I take a sharp breath, the air tinged with an electricity so palpable, it's as if the sea itself pauses with me. Or maybe, that's just my heart skipping a beat.

In this charged moment, we give the moon a performance to remember.

Hands holding her steady at the waist, Aidan showers soft kisses across my chest until his mouth covers one tender breast, each touch as delicate as a connoisseur savoring a rare wine.

I gasp out a laugh. "You know, at this rate, we'll be responsible for global warming all on our own."

But Aidan, ever focused on his exploration of the terrain that is my body, hums against my skin, sending waves of pleasure cascading through me.

Even without the sea's help, we're conjuring our own storm. Especially when Aidan's teeth tug at my areola, sending a shock straight between my legs.

Aidan pauses, his dark eyes burning a hole into me. “I needed to be sure I had your full attention, Lacey. With the moon and stars out, competition was stiff." His laughter, deep and warm, fills the night. "Nervous?" he asks.

My heart dances in my chest. "A bit," I admit.

He pulls me closer, his voice a soft whisper. "No need to be. Let me take care of you, okay?"

His sincerity sends my nerves spiraling into excitement. "Yes, that's... that's perfect," I say, smiling through my nerves.
