Page 23 of Rock

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“You done?” I shake my head.

“I’ll whip you up a protein shake,” he says with a smile. “I’ll even add some collagen, it’ll help with the hangover.”

I did have a few beers last night, but I wasn’t totally shit faced.

I frown. “I’m not hungover, and how about some of what Cash is havin’?”

“I’d love to, but that was the last of the bacon.” He shrugs, though I’m sure it’s bullshit. Fuck knows what I did to piss him off.

Manny always has the fridge well stocked, just in case he plans on a Gumbo cook off, which he’s been known to do randomly, not that any of us mind.

His cooking is amazing, which is why he gets away with half of what he says and does. Nobody is ever gonna fire him.

“Right.” This place just sucks the pickle. “A round of grilled cheese will be fine.”

He clicks his fingers. “What’s the magic word now?”

I roll my eyes. “Is he always like this?” I ask the brothers opposite me.

“Pretty much,” Ryder laughs.

Cash tucks into his BLT that looks like it just jumped off the page of a food magazine photoshoot.

“I can still hear you, you know,” Manny says.

I glare at him, my stomach practically growling. “Pretty please with a cherry on top.”

Manny claps his hands as he laughs. “See now that wasn’t very hard, was it?”

He doesn’t wait for an answer, disappearing out the door before I get a chance to put my coffee order in, not that he’d make me coffee, but I just like stirring the pot.

I turn back to Cash and Ryder. “So, Sunday?”

Cash nods. “She’ll need pickin’ up from the airport. Jas may come with you. It may be a little overwhelmin’ for her if you and the prospects show up with her name card.”

I pull on my cut lapels. “Why, what’s wrong with us?”

He snorts. “Do I even need to answer that? Now get the fuck out of here. Jas or Luna will email you the flight details.”

“Okay.” I go to stand.

“Oh, Rock?” Cash says, just as I turn to leave.


“I meant what I said, and this is no joke. She’s twenty-three. It’s your job to keep men away from her. She’ll be a novelty if she comes to the club. Anythin’ happens to her, I’ll hold you personally responsible.”

I try not to roll my lips with amusement. “Got it.”

I grab the folder and take off. The smell of grilled cheese hits my nostrils as I wander into the kitchen.

So my mystery girl is daddy’s little princess.


Just what I don’t fuckin’ need.

