Page 94 of The Witch's Destiny

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It didn’t work. They’re not here.

I slump a little in my seat, then straighten again when I catch a witch’s hard gaze on me. She looks away a few beats later, but I continue to stare as a sense of familiarity washes over me. I know I saw her at the last meeting, but something’s telling me that is not where I know her from.

I glance down when she looks back over to see me still staring, but her face remains imprinted in my mind as I search my memories for where I might’ve seen her before. When nothing comes to me, I sneak my phone from my pocket and hold it beneath the table we’re all sitting around. I make sure all sounds are turned off and open the camera app.

Keeping my head bent downward, I flick my gaze around the table. No one is looking in my direction, so I lift my phone until just the camera lens is above the table, make sure the witch is centered on the screen, and snap a quick picture before pulling the device back down into my lap. Another quick glance shows me I’m still being studiously ignored by the others, which is fine by me.

At least, it is for right now. But it’s obvious that despite the majority voting to give me a seat at the table, none of them really want me here. They have no desire to include me in their discussion and no interest in getting to know me on a personal level.

And while that works for me in this very moment, allowing me to surreptitiously sneak a picture of the witch, it won’t work forever. I’m here now, and I’m going to outlive all these people. They’re not getting rid of me, so they may as well learn to tolerate––if not accept––my presence at these meetings and in their community.

As the discussion winds down, Steph looks at me, silently asking if I want to speak. I consider it for a brief moment, then subtly shake my head. Even though my parents are not here trying to stop me from asking about the prophecy, their warnings hang heavy in my head and my heart.

Until I can find a way to speak to them again and get real answers on why it’s so dangerous, I’ll keep my knowledge of the prophecy’s existence to myself. Besides, I have a new mystery to solve.

I look back at the woman as Steph officially calls a close to the meeting, and I see a tendon ticking in her jaw, indicating she’s gritting her teeth. Why is she angry? Because she can feel my stare? Because I’ve insulted her with my mere presence? Or is there something else that has nothing to do with me, at all?

That last one is crossed out when she stands, looks right at me, sneers, then lifts her nose into the air and stalks from the room. I guess her anger is directed at me and my unwanted presence.

As soon as the last witch files from the room, Steph turns to me with raised brows.

“Well? Were they here? Did you feel anything?”

“No. They didn’t come,” I say forlornly.

“Then, why didn’t you bring up the prophecy if they weren’t magically stopping you?” she asks.

“It didn’t feel right,” I say slowly. “They risked a lot contacting me just to warn me off. I’m not going to let that risk be for nothing. Not until I have more answers from them, anyway.”

“That makes sense, I guess,” she says. “Sorry this didn’t work.”

“It’s not your fault,” I say, then tug my phone from my pocket before pulling up the picture I took. “And it wasn’t all for nothing. Who is this woman?”

“That’s Helena Kirkwood. She’s the leader of the Desertwillow coven in Arizona. Why did you take her picture?”

“I know her, Steph. I’m not sure from where, but I’ve seen her before.”

“She was at the last meeting,” Steph offers, and I shake my head.

“I know. I remember seeing her there. But I know her from somewhere else, too. I spent the whole meeting racking my brain, but I can’t recall where else I know her from.”

“Maybe it’ll come to you later?” she suggests, and I give her a weak smile.

“You’re right. It will. Let’s go. I’m sure Jesse and Erik are patiently waiting for an update.”

“Patiently, my ass,” she says with a chuckle, then loops her arm through mine and pulls me from the room.

I try to match her lightheartedness with a grin, but my mind is still focused on Helena Kirkwood. I know her. I’m certain of it.

But the question is…where?



The flight back to Los Angeles was a quiet one. Steph and Erik took a commercial flight to Atlanta, then rented a car so they could drive to Asheville and check in with Steph’s coven as well as the coffee shop Bernadette left to Steph in her will. So it was just Jesse and me on the private plane, and he let me simmer in my thoughts the whole time without interruption.

And now that we’re back on the west coast, I still have no idea where I know Helena Kirkwood from.
