Page 53 of The Witch's Destiny

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Pulling the SUV off the road, I shift it into park and turn in my seat to face Steph. “You ready?”

“I am,” she says with a firm nod. “Let’s do this.”

Climbing from the car, we walk to the back. Standing by the rear door, Steph holds out her hands, palms-up. I place mine over hers, pressing our skin together so we can combine our power and strengthen the spell. We mutter the words, and the hair on my arms stands on end as the magic rushes through us. Within seconds, we both disappear from sight.

“Stay close to me,” I whisper.

“I will,” Steph promises, her voice as light and airy as my own.

We walk on light feet as we pick our way through the forest. Stopping on the outskirts of the remains of the Grundelier village, I scan the area with every one of my senses on high alert. I don’t smell any magic––not even our own, since we managed to mask it during the spell. I don’t see anyone lurking about, and I can’t hear any beating hearts, save for Steph’s.

Good. We got here first. Now, we wait.

After several long moments of silence, I feel Jesse’s vampire magic brush against my skin, calming me. He’s close, which means Erik and Leif are, too. Steph and I agreed not to speak, fearful of revealing our presence, so I reach out to grab her hand.

I stiffen when I can’t find it. Taking a careful step toward the sound of her heartbeat, I reach out again. And again, I can’t find her.

Moving once more, my gut screaming at me that something isn’t right here, I wave both hands around like someone navigating a pitch-black room, but I feel nothing even though I should have bumped into her. The sound of her heart is behind me, now.

Spinning, I release the invisibility spell, revealing myself to whomever is near.

“Steph?” I call out, my voice cracking on the single word.

The three vampires materialize beside me, but it’s Erik who speaks. “What is wrong? Why did you drop the spell?”

“I can’t find her. Where is she? Steph? Stop it. This isn’t funny.”

Erik reaches out, clutching nothing but air. I drop to my knees and wave my hands around, but she’s not kneeling or lying down in some lame attempt at a practical joke.

Suddenly, the heartbeat stops, and all four of us freeze as the silence deafens us.

“What the fuck?” I hiss, leaping back to my feet.

I spin around and around, searching for my friend. There’s no trace of her or anyone else. The entire area is as desolate as ever.

“Where is she?” Erik asks, his expression darkening like a sky laden with ominous storm clouds.

“I don’t know,” I say, the words coming out fast and furious as my panic intensifies. “She was right beside me the whole time. I could hear her heart beating next to me, so I know she didn’t wander off.”

“We heard it, too,” Leif says.

I turn to look at Jesse, and his solemn expression fills me with doom. “What is it?”

“They must’ve taken her, Eden.”

“But…no. How? I would’ve heard something. And her heart…”

“Brimmwise deals in dark magic. We don’t know what they’re capable of,” he says, the words soft and measured like he’s trying to calm a feral animal.

I’m still staring at him, my mind revolting against his hypothesis when my phone chimes. I left it in the car, but my vampire ears pick up the sound, a specific alert tone I programmed in just for Steph.

Without a word, I zip away, my vampire speed getting me to the vehicle in less than three seconds. Yanking open the driver’s door, I reach inside and snatch my phone from the center console where I’d left it.

Steph’s name flashes across the screen when I unlock it, but my momentary relief is replaced by horror as I read the message.

Steph: We have the girl. If you agree to transfer your magic to the Brimmwise Coven, she will go unharmed. You have until midnight tomorrow to decide.

