Page 29 of The Witch's Destiny

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Georgianna’s eyes widen, then narrow again as she studies me. “Don’t be ridiculous, Heather. It’s obvious she’s one of them.”

“She is standing right here,” I grit out between clenched teeth.

Georgianna stumbles back a step, her mouth dropping open. “You…how?”

“Abomination,” Heather murmurs under her breath.

“Please,” Steph says, holding out her hands in a placating manner. “You have to tell us if you know something that can help. Anything.”

“Abomination,” Heather repeats, this time louder as she lifts a hand to point a finger at me.

The girls move backward as one, watching me for any signs of aggression. Steph starts forward, intent on stopping them, but I grab her arm. She looks over at me, and I shake my head.

“Let them go. They’re not going to help us.”

“Stop,” Jesse says firmly, and the girls freeze on the spot, watching him with wide, frightened eyes. “Tell us why you came.”

I can feel the power in his voice, the vampire persuasion he’s using to force them to comply. Normally, I wouldn’t condone the act, but if they have information that could help…

“We came with a warning,” Georgianna says with a frown, then looks at Steph. “Brimmwise knows you’re helping a bunch of vampires, and they don’t like it. Watch your back, witch.”



“Leave it alone, Eden.”

I close my eyes and roll over, giving my back to the table and the object resting atop it. The siren’s song is strong, though, and I find myself rolling back so I can see it.

The necklace. My necklace.

I look over my shoulder at the door. Jesse left a little while ago, promising to be back soon. He needed to go speak with Erik and Leif to decide how best to protect Steph should the Brimmwise coven come calling. I should be there, too, but when he asked me if I was coming, I told him I was tired and wanted to rest.

It was an obvious lie. Jesse and I both knew it. Vampires don’t really get tired.

His gaze darted to the drawer where the necklace rests the moment the words passed my lips. He didn’t say a word, though. He just hugged me and told me to get some rest before leaving to meet the others.

I didn’t miss his unspoken warning. I felt it in his embrace and saw it in his eyes as he met my gaze just before the door closed.

Remember your promise.

I promised him earlier I wouldn’t touch it again until we figured out why it has such a grip on me. Of course, I already broke that promise when I pulled the damn thing from the drawer and set it on the table…just so I could see it.

My eyes fall closed as I focus, listening for my friends’ voices. They met up in Steph and Erik’s room to hash out a plan. My lips twitch as I hear Steph complaining, insisting she can take care of herself. Erik mumbles something about headstrong women, then…there it is. Jesse speaks, reassuring Steph that we’re only concerned because we care about her.

He’s still there, which means he’s not headed back to our room just yet. I have time.

I’m up and off the bed before I can even process my intentions. I walk across the room slowly, my anticipation building with every step I take. The necklace’s pull grows stronger the closer I get, and as I stop beside the table, my fingers itch to touch it.

Maybe this is a bad idea. I should wait until I’m not alone. If something were to happen…

But if I wait, Jesse will talk me out of it again.

Offering up a silent apology for breaking my promise––again––I pick the necklace up and squeeze the pendant in my hand. Nothing happens. I sigh. It’s just a necklace. There’s nothing to be afraid of.

Opening my fist, I study the pendant that nestles in my palm. It’s so pretty. I wonder how it would look around my neck. I walk over to the mirror and hold the chain up so the pendant dangles in front of my chest.

“Beautiful,” I mouth, no sound coming out.
