Page 12 of The Witch's Destiny

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“You two stay out here with Steph while Eden and I go talk to the woman,” Jesse says, releasing his grip on my waist to take my hand.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Steph says.

“Why not?” I ask, tilting my head to study her.

“Even if they’re not witches, these people aren’t going to trust a couple of vampires,” she says, then quickly adds, “No offense.”

I shake my head, letting her know I’m not offended, saying, “We weren’t planning on announcing our undead status.”

“Please,” she scoffs. “Anyone with eyes can see you’re not human.”

My brow furrows. Is she right? I didn’t realize Jesse was a vampire when I first met him. I just thought he was incredibly attractive. Of course, the vampires had just revealed their existence that day, so I wasn’t expecting to see one so soon.

But now? Now people have had a chance to wrap their heads around it and are probably scrutinizing every stranger they come across.

“What are we going to do?” I ask no one in particular.

“I’ll go in,” Steph says before anyone else can respond. “I’ll tell them I’m researching the history of the area for a book. If they’re human, they’ll be none the wiser. If they are witches hiding their magic, they’ll sense mine and see me as a kindred spirit. Either way, if they know something, I’ll get it out of them.”

“And if they’ve looked out the window to see you standing here with a bunch of vampires?” I ask, arching a brow at her.

“They have not seen us,” Leif says confidently. “There is a large stack of boxes blocking the view from the front window, and no security cameras.”

“I do not like it,” Erik adds quietly.

“Relax, big guy,” Steph says with a sassy smirk and a bump of her hip against his. “I’ll be careful. Nothing bad will happen to me.”

Erik grunts with a frown, but doesn’t argue further. I look over at Jesse, who’s staring at Steph thoughtfully. After a couple of beats, he nods.

“If you sense any danger, get out of there immediately. Call out if you need us.”

Steph’s smirk falls as she gives him a solemn nod. “I will.”

With another nod, this time in my direction, she spins on a heel and walks across the dirt lot before disappearing inside the building. The rest of us remain perfectly still, listening as the faint sound of a woman’s voice calls out a greeting to Steph.

“I do not like this,” Erik grumbles, but I hold out a hand to silence him as Steph’s voice reaches my ears.

“Hi. My name is…Miranda, and I’m hoping you can help me.”

“I can certainly try,” the woman says, her southern accent thick as molasses. “What is it you need help with, child?”

“I’m a paranormal romance author,” Steph says, “and I’m doing some research for my next book. I heard there’s an old settlement in the area…one that may have been built by witches.”

The woman laughs. “Witches? There ain’t no such thing.”

“Of course, not,” Steph says with a laugh of her own. “But even fiction needs to be somewhat accurate, and my next book is set in an old Louisiana settlement from the early days. Is there any place like that around here I could check out? For research purposes?”

There’s a pregnant pause, and if my heart actually beat, it would be pounding right now. I tense, ready to rush in there if Steph needs me when the woman speaks again.

“Well, there is the old Grundelier township.”

I gasp, and Jesse’s hand tightens around mine.

“Grundelier?” Steph repeats slowly as if she’s never heard the name.

“That’s right,” the woman says, and I hear the rustle of paper before she adds, “See right here? You take the highway for a few more miles, then pull off at mile marker eighty-one. You’ll have to hike a bit to get to it. They’re ain’t no roads out there anymore. The place has been deserted for a long time, and the buildings might not be safe. You be careful out there, okay?”

“I will. Thank you so much.”
