Page 10 of The Vampire's Mate

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I can smell your arousal, Eden. Do you want to feel the ecstasy I bring?

My face scrunches up, and I’m pressing my eyelids so tightly together, it’s almost painful. He can smell my arousal? Fuck. I can never face him again.

Because despite my best efforts to restrain it, my body goes a little haywire every time I’m near him. He’s so fucking delectable, I end up wet and wanting each time his intense gaze meets mine. Even knowing he’s a vampire hasn’t dampened that desire.

Which is insane. Right?

I can’t sleep with him. His behavior so far has garnered some trust—I don’t really think he’ll attack me, unprovoked—but what about when he’s in the throes of passion? What if he were to bite me out of instinct? What if he accidentally killed me in the process?

No. I can’t take that chance.

But knowing that and forcing my body to comply with my decision are two completely different things.

Even now, hours after a lengthy, uncomfortable silence sent him skulking back to his apartment, I’m still wired up. Still throbbing with need every time I hear those words in my mind and picture that dark, intense stare gazing straight into my soul.

I need relief. But every time my hand creeps toward my nightstand drawer, I stop it. If Jesse’s hearing is as powerful as he claims, and he can hear my mumbling from his apartment, he’ll definitely hear the telltale buzzing of my good, old battery-operated boyfriend.

“Maybe I should get a hotel room for the night,” I murmur, then freeze.

Shit. I’ve got to stop thinking out loud.

It’s hot in here, so I climb from the bed and wander over to the window. I hate opening it because there’s no screen and, well, bugs, but my air conditioning is broken, and the super isn’t coming out until the day after tomorrow.

Unlocking the window, I push it up and sigh with relief. The air outside is slightly cooler, and a light breeze flows in, ruffling my hair. I stand there staring out at the strip mall across the street, the windows dark and deserted at this late hour.

Heaving a quiet sigh, I shuffle back to the bed and throw myself backward. I bounce on the soft mattress a few times, and as my body settles, my need amps back up.

I’m never going to get any sleep if I don’t take care of this.

Twisting around until my head sinks into my pillow, I slowly slip my hand downward over the soft cotton of my ribbed tank. I stop to caress the skin of my abdomen above the elastic waist of my pajama shorts before dipping my fingers underneath. My legs fall open, and I run a finger over the satin crotch of my underwear. The material is fucking soaked.

I clench my teeth and force myself to breathe through my nose as my fingers slip beneath the lacy edge of my underwear. My mouth falls open as my fingers brush over my clit. It’s swollen and sensitive, and shivers course down my spine as I rub soft circles over it.

Quiet pants fill the air around me as I chase the release I so desperately need. But it’s elusive, lingering just out of reach despite the constant state of arousal I’ve been locked in for the last several hours. Frustration wars with the pleasure building inside me, and I briefly consider giving up when I hear Jesse’s voice in my head again.

Do you want to feel the ecstasy I bring?

A fresh wave of heat courses through, and I throw caution to the wind, letting out a deep moan. I can see his face perfectly in my mind—those eyes, his strong jawline, the dimples. I imagine his dark smile, and the pressure starts to build inside me.

My lips form a single word. Quiet as a single rain drop, yet as devastating as a hurricane. Two syllables. A name.


A gust of air brushes over my skin, and I crack my eyes open at its touch. My hand freezes, and my impending orgasm recedes when I notice the dark shadow in front of the open window. Snatching my hand out of my shorts, I sit up with a gasp.


That deep voice flows deliciously over my skin, but I ignore the sensation.

“How did you get in here?” I demand, the heat of embarrassment blooming in my cheeks.

“The window.”

“You can’t just climb through people’s windows, Jesse.” I pause to take a deep breath. “Why are you here?”

“You called me.”

“I most certainly did not,” I say, swallowing thickly as he takes a step closer.
