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I give her the cliff-notes version of what transpired in the dream. I include the walk in the backyard, the fight between the two men, how Alek waited for Tyr to leave, and how we fucked in the kitchen like a scene from an erotic novel. I keep out how wet I found myself after I woke up, yet she is still completely enraptured.

“So, like, do you have feelings or something for this guy? I mean, in the dream, he seemed to treat you better than Tyr. Have you thought about that at all? Or, like, what you wanna do?” She gazes at me with her big, round hazel orbs.

“I don’t know, Aims. I need to figure shit out. I haven’t even thought about who I wanna be with. Do you think it matters? I mean, my subconscious basically cheated on my boyfriend. Don’t you think that’s an issue?”

“Well, yeah, maybe. But what if you’re meant to be with this Aleksandr guy? What if he’s the man of your dreams? Well, we know he is literally the man of your dreams. At least the last one!” We both die in laughter.

“I don’t know, Aims. Maybe he is, but I have no idea.”

“Well, while you’re figuring that out, you can help me decide what to wear to my cousin’s birthday party. It’s not for a few more weeks, but whatever.” She stands and starts walking to her bedroom to do some closet shopping.

“Coming!” I trail after her.


A few weeks after our amazing shower and my weird-ass dream, Tyr comes home in a horrendous mood. He attempts to throw his keys into the bowl but misses. Instead of picking them up, he steps over them and huffs.

I have no idea how to broach the subject of his attitude, so I stay silent. He stomps into the kitchen and grabs a water bottle from the fridge. After taking a long gulp, he stomps back into the living room where I’m sitting.

“Um… hey, babe,” I say hesitantly. Whatever I say, or however I say it, makes Tyr even more furious.

He grabs me aggressively by my face, using his thumb on one side and the rest of his fingers on the other. He squeezes my cheeks hard, forcing me to look at him and making my face hurt.

“Do not ‘babe’ me! And don’t lie to me, Nova! I know that you’ve met up with some guy more than once and acted like the whore you are! I know that you haven’t been meeting up with Aimee. You’ve been lying to me! Now I know why that sick fuck kidnapped you! He knew you were a slut! That's why you opened your legs so easily for me all these times! You told me you were a virgin until me, but now I don’t believe you!” He’s now screaming at me.

Tears flow freely down my cheeks and onto his fingers. Sobs wrack my body. Is this what he’s thought of me the whole time? And how did he find out I was with Aleksandr?

“I’m sorry!” I screech.

“Shut up!” Dropping the water bottle to the floor and causing the water to spill all over the hardwood, his hand moves from my cheeks to grab a fistful of my hair. Pulling so hard that I think he’ll rip the hair out of my scalp, he yanks me off of the couch and onto the wet floor with his other hand. I wrap my hands around his, trying to get him to release me.

“Look at what you’re making me do! I don’t want things to be like this, but this is the only way I know how to teach you a lesson! You made me this way, and you're gonna fix it, too! "

I can’t talk– it won’t help. The man that held me beneath the stars, the man that comforted me, the man who took my innocence, is now gone. In his place stands a monster, an evil person who uses violence to explain things.

And then… I notice it.

His charming British accent is gone.

In its place is an accent almost identical to my own. He isn’t himself. He is someone or something I no longer know.

He drags me by the hair through the entire house and into the bedroom. I attempt to gain traction with my feet to stand up, but I fail. Using all of the strength he possesses, he pulls me into a standing position once we make our way to the bed. He finally releases his grip, but before I can react, he shoves me onto the mattress face-first.

“I’m going to use your body the way I fucking should have and the way any other man will!”

“Tyr, don’t! Please!” I start to panic. I don't want to go through this again. Even if we are in a relationship, this is wrong. “Don’t be like him! Don’t be like Roger, be Tyr! Be the man I fell for!”

“How can I be like him? You’re mine! You were never his! You’re never going to be anyone else's, either!” I hear the sound of his belt unbuckling. I freeze in fear, terrified of what he will do to me with it.

“From the moment I first saw you, I wanted you under me. You made my cock so hard that it hurt. It didn’t take me long to get into your head.” He gets on top of me, his pelvis against my ass and his legs on either side of me. He grabs my necklace, the one he gave me, and pulls back, forcing my back to arch in an uncomfortable way. I need to comply if I don't want it to break or tear into my skin. He leans down and whispers into my ear. “I told you, Nova; you’re mine. I own you.”

“Tyr, this isn’t right. This isn't how things are supposed to be!” Trying to speak is hard because of how far I am arched. “This is supposed to be loving, and you’re supposed to care for me, not hurt me.” I’m cut off by the belt that he just fastened firmly around my throat.

“Oh, Nova, my love. This is just how you deserve to be treated. This is me showing you my love and affection. Just wait, you’ll like it. I’m not as ruthless as Roger or whoever else you’ve fucked, I promise.” He isn’t yelling at me anymore, but this new tone of voice horrifies me even more. It’s somehow lewd yet depraved at the same time.

He propels my body back down towards the bed, shoving my face into the now disheveled blanket. I try to toss him off of me, yelling and kicking and thrashing around. Nothing I do seems to work. He manages to push the dress I’m wearing up past my hips and pulls my panties off. Tyr gets off of me and I attempt to crawl off the bed.

“Ah ah ah. No, you don’t,” he says. He catches me by the ankles and hauls me towards him. I kick my feet, trying to get loose from his grip, but I’m unsuccessful. He tightens his grasp, reddening my skin as he does. Tyr struggles to get back on top of me. Now he’s bare-skinned, and I can feel his hardness pressed up against my ass cheeks. Without lube, or even spit, he shoves his cock into me.
