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Kias's light-brown hair falls onto his face as he nods that I am correct. We walk out the back door onto the patio and towards the porch swing. There was already a couple sitting on it, but as soon as the man saw us, he ushered his costumed companion away. As Kias makes himself comfortable on the swinging bench, I follow suit. He casually drapes an arm around my shoulder.

“You’re Mr. Connors's daughter. I know exactly who you are. Our fathers have done deals together in the past, so I'm shocked that we haven't at least seen each other before.”

I’m shocked that he’s heard about me. I’ve tried very hard not to promote myself all over town. “What kind of dealings?”

“I'm not sure, but I've heard my brother speaking about it. Anyway, how are you enjoying the party?” He hasn't looked at me, just stares at the other people, watching or waiting for something.

“It's okay. I guess. I'm not much for parties, except for birthdays.”

We sit on the swing for a few hours, discussing mutual friends and the hovering JD. She hasn't come to introduce herself, but she is close enough to hear our conversation, rolling her eyes and making gagging faces when he says corny things. He is romantic and sweet, it’s refreshing after being friendless for so long.

“Hey since our fathers are okay with each other, what are you doing on Halloween? It's my 21st birthday and we're celebrating with a black-tie masquerade-themed party. Much more organized and formal than… this.” I wave my arm around as an example of the party around us.

“Sure, but just a heads up, don’t invite my brother. He’ll just show up and ruin it. He can be a bit overwhelming and childish,” he states as he uses his hand to brush his hair from his forehead.

“Oh, um… okay. Usually, I’d extend the invitation to all family members, but if you don’t want me to, that’s fine,” I reply with a dismissive shrug.

“You wanna go out with me sometime?” Kias surprises me by asking. We just met– how does he know I’m not a serial killer or something? Then again, if he's anything like his brother, he might be one.

I’ve never been out with anyone before, my father was too strict growing up. He keeps me hidden, from a lot of people and a lot of things. He does his best to keep me from men in general. But I’m an adult now, and he could kiss my ass for all that I care. I need a change from my normal daily hell. It’s tiring having to go through everything alone.

“Yeah, sure.”

He leans over to kiss me. I’m shocked, but my mouth opens for him, almost like it has a mind of its own. His lips are gentle with mine, soft and moist. It isn’t a stunning kiss like I’ve read in romance books, but it's sweet and comforting. It isn’t too fast, or too slow, just the right pace for someone new to this. Once the kiss breaks, I lay my head on his shoulder. JD turns her back and ignores me but not before giving me a look of disapproval. I can't wait to hear what she has to say.

I catch Kias’s brother from the corner of my eye. He is staring daggers at us, and I can't figure out if it's directed at his brother, or me.

Chapter 5


A few days after the party, I finally got the text I had been waiting for. Kias wants to meet for coffee and a movie. A nice little, normal date.

It only took about four hours of trying to figure out what I was going to wear before JD came in and threw a shirt and a pair of pants at me. The outfit she chose says– first date at a coffee house– rather than the skirt and heels I was attempting to wear.

I feel a little weird sitting here, waiting on a guy I barely know, almost like I'm on a TV show set, ready and waiting for the high-school lunch scene to start. I'm not used to this. I’m the type of girl to sit in her room and read a horrible romance book filled with tentacles and poly couples, not sitting in jeans and a cute shirt with a stupid little hat and a latté.

The bell on the door chimes as Kias strolls in. I wave at him and he signals that he's going to grab his drink before joining. I nod my head and continue to watch the different people walk by.

Normal people. What I wouldn't give to be like them. Most people think I'm a spoiled brat who just uses Daddy's money on anything and everything.

The dark, hidden truth is that I'm anything but…

It's all fake. The clothes, the pathetic quirky texts. The fucking smile. I'm dying inside, and no one can even tell. I pretend to be this way for everyone, even my father and JD. Ever since my mother died, nothing has been the same.

“No, I said two sugars and one pump of vanilla. How could you not get that right, Michelle?” Kias whines to the barista. “It's not that hard to do. Do I need to come over there and show you how to work it?” I watch from the sidelines as Kias watches poor Michelle redo his drink order. I swear I can see her tears from here.

“I'm sorry, sir. I'll refund you. It's my mistake,” she replies, obviously shaken at his attitude.

“Good. Thank you. That wasn't too difficult now, was it?” He asks condescendingly. Picking up his drink, he mumbles under his breath as he slides into the chair across from me. “Sorry about that. I've had more problems at this establishment than I've had coffee. Maybe one day she will get the hang of it.”

I smile, unsure about how to reply. I thought he was a little aggressive, but if it isn't the first time, then I kind of understand.

“I know it's only been a couple of days, but how are things?” Kias looks at me, expecting an answer.

I clear my throat, willing my voice to work. “I'm alright. You?”

“I'm fine.”
