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What else am I going to do? I’m tied to a fucking chair.

“Good song. How truly fucking fitting,” I mumble under my breath. Great, now I'm starting to sound like my husband.

“Speak,” she answers the call after pulling it from her bra, just as Bruce –the lead singer– sings his infamous lyrics.

Run to the hills.

Run for your lives.

I shake my head as I watch her roll her eyes.

“Yes,” she trails on, talking in only one-word answers. “Yes!”

I tune her out, my mind racing with everything that has happened. Going from being a naive twenty year old to getting married on my birthday to falling in love…

The way he devours me with his eyes. The way he knows exactly what I'm thinking, sometimes even before I know. How he cares for me, washing my hair, putting me to sleep, teaching me how to cook.

Let's not even think about the amazing orgasms he has given me. What I would give to be in bed with him right now. Curling up into his chest, smelling the familiar scent of him, like opium incense and a foggy redwood forest. Even now, I can almost smell him. The memory of him teases my senses and then leaves me on the blow of the wind.

Oh. My. God. I– I’m fucking in love…

With Atlis fucking Moon.

I need him to find me. I need to tell him that his plan worked. That even if he says he didn't want me, didn't want to make me his, he did. And I need him to know that I love him. I'm in love with him.

“Yes, I have her. I told you that. Yes, we will be there soon,” My mother says while looking at me in her peripheral vision. “Now, if you want the package, shut up and let me get it ready.” She hangs up the phone and shoves it back into her bra.

“Where are you taking me? Who am I meeting now?” I fire off questions in rapid order.

“Zolina Connors! Stop asking questions!” She screams at me, blowing her top. “You will figure everything out soon. Now let me work, child.”

Two men come into the room, both giant and built like brick-shithouses. One unties me from the chair while the other ties my hands together, much like Atlis did, into handcuffs. Before I know it, the one guy who was tying me up finishes and throws me over his shoulder.

I’m so tired of being manhandled like this… unless it’s by my husband, that is.

While I’m on this guy's shoulder, the other walks over to us, and I'm plunged into darkness once again by a blindfold.

Chapter 34


It's been eight days since I've seen my wife. I’m sitting here, in front of this man strung up from the ceiling in the playroom, staring blankly at him. I’m still trying to figure out how I should torture him.

It didn’t take long for Harris to find out where Micah lived, and it didn’t take long for me to show up and take him. His wife's screams from the bed while I took him at gunpoint still make me smile. She was terrified, and she had every right to be. When someone broke into my house in the middle of the night and took my wife, I was scared too. Thankfully, she didn’t see my face.

This man was the last person to talk to Zolina’s father before he took off like a scared puppy. No matter what it takes– I will get answers from him before I leave here today. Yet I still sit here, frozen. Staring at this disgusting creature like my eyes will force him to spontaneously combust.

Hmm… fire. That might be an effective way for him to die. No, that’s not fucked up enough.

“You need to start talking and start talking fast. I know you have been talking to Zolina’s father. We already have those records. Where is he? Better question… where is my wife?”

“You don’t know shit, boy,” he says with venom. He gathers phlegm from his throat and spits on my shoes.

“You won’t see anything outside of this room after this. So, tell me what you know. I might let you live, like you know… hide you under the stairs like that one boy from those wizard movies or some shit. Keep you as my little bloody pet or something. I’ll make some sort of use for a thing like you,” I mock him, tilting my head and looking off into the distance like I’m actually considering letting him live. It’s almost laughable. I’m not letting him fucking live. He will never see the light of day again.

“You won't see your precious wife, Atlis Moon. You may not know who I am, but I know you. I know how quick you are to kill those you perceive to be in your way. I'm even aware of you killing your own family. First your brother and then your father? Where's your loyalty, Atlis? But if you were able to capture me so easily, I don't quite understand how it's taking you so long to find your missing wife.” His smile is forced through his pain. Hanging for such a long time can really dampen any other senses except for pain. “She was right under your nose, but you're too stupid to see the truth.”

I stand up with enough force to knock the metal chair out from under me, creeping closer to him. I'm not scared of him. I’m scared of what I'll do to him before I get my answers. “Tell me where she is. This isn't a fucking game!”
