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Ugh, I have no fucking clue.

We were getting into a decent routine. Wake up, orgasm, food, and then sleep. My wife has been getting more comfortable, even joking around with me occasionally. Sure, it’s only been a few days, but damn. Why would she run? Again…

She won't get far. I can have Jacob pull up the camera footage of her leaving. I can track her down, tie her up, and teach her another fucking lesson. One that she clearly hasn't learned yet. Obviously.

As I round the corner of the hall into the living room, I stop.

“Why is the front door open?” I ask no one in particular.

Great. Now I'm talking to the air.

I once again retrieve my phone from my pocket and dial Jacob. His number doesn't leave speed dial for this reason and this reason only. I hate that he has my number, it just means he can contact me as much as I contact him.

“Sir, I was just about to call. Looks like we have a situation that needs your attention. Some lady kidnapped Zolina. I recognize her, but I also can’t figure out who she is. I’m running her face through my software now,” Jacob informs me. He knows better than to leave me waiting for information. He always gets right to the point.

“So she didn't run,” I mumble more to myself. “Get my car ready, I'll meet you downstairs.” I hang up and sprint down the hall, back towards my room. Our room.

Shirt. Check. Gun. Check. What else do I need? Oh… shoes.


I've never been a man to run after a woman. But now, I find myself doing it… For a second time.


I pace back and forth in front of my father's desk. Jezi is sitting and tapping her fingers incessantly on the arm of the chair she resides in.

“Father, you can't tell me you don't even have an inkling of where my wife is or who the bitch is who took her?! I've called everyone who was working tonight, and no one saw or heard anything in all of the commotion. All I have to go on is the camera footage. You have eyes and ears in every part of the city. You have to know something.” I am willing my hair to grow faster just so I can pull it out with my fingers. I can’t get a good enough grasp.

JD is completely silent, tears falling from her face at the same rate as I turn and walk in a different direction.

“I’ve told you, son. I have no leads as of yet.”

“THAT'S NOT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH!” I scream. I stand up to pace around the office while crunching down on an apple. I know I need to eat something, but I don’t have the stomach for anything else. “Something is going on. I know it, and I have from the start. What other reason would Nikolus have for making that deal to begin with? The trinkets he would send on her birthday? Hell, the smile he gave her when he handed her over? I mean fuck, he didn't even tell her she was getting married until after it was done! Everything has been a set-up! I just can't figure out what the end game is yet, much less prove it. I wanted to start by interrogating him, but to my surprise, his house was locked down even more than yours.”

“Atlis, your anger isn’t going to help. You need to calm down. You're never this irrational or pent-up. What’s gotten into you, boy? Let’s look at the facts,” my father states, trailing me with his eyes as I throw the half-eaten apple away.

“What facts? The fact that my father,” I point to him. “You. Have been a pain in my ass for years! The fact that none of this would have happened if my father hadn’t given me a late birthday present when I was ten? And nevermind the fact that my birthday present was a fucking human being? I mean, who the fuck does that?” My anger is getting the best of me. I unholster my gun, aiming between his green eyes. “Tell me that you know why they took her. You’ve been playing games for far too long now.”

“Atlis, calm down,” JD mumbles from her chair. She watches me pace back and forth skeptically like a ticking time bomb. Ready to explode and burn everything down.

“Son, put the gun down. First, you murder your brother, quite a shame, I might add. Now, you’re going to commit patricide? How sinful, Atlis. Your sister’s right. Calm down.” He looks at me with indifference.

I stop dead in my tracks. I look at Jezi and back at him. Sister? How could she be my sister? My mother died– obviously, she isn’t JD’s mom. Or is she?

“What the fuck? Sister? What-”

“How?” I demand. All other thoughts have temporarily fallen from my mind. “Explain. Now!”

“You really didn’t think Sophia was the only whore I was fucking. Did you? Oh, this makes more sense… that’s why you’ve hated me and Kias. You blamed him for killing your mom. News flash, son, you blamed the wrong person. That’s why I have always taken more care of him-he was just a baby. He needed more love and attention than you.”

“No, he didn’t. I needed just as much attention as him. She was my mother too.”

“Actually, she wasn’t. Did you know that Kias wasn’t even your brother?” His laugh rings out into the quiet office. My father chuckles hard enough that he can hardly take a breath, turning his face red.

“What do you fucking mean?! If Sophia wasn’t my mother, then who is?” I shout.

“I have no idea. Whoever it was left you with us. You were the child that got abandoned. Me and my wife adopted you, and then she died too. So everyone you have ever had has died or left in some way. How does that feel?” He asks, his smile beaming.
