Page 70 of Shooting Star Love

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I nodded again.

“So that would mean…you would stay in Wishing Well.”


“Is that what you want? To stay in Wishing Well?”

Here we go. His reaction to this information would tell me a lot. I took a deep breath, and my lips parted to answer, but before any sound came out, someone shouted Kane’s name.


We both turned our heads. Sam Whitlock was walking straight toward us.

“We have eyes on Garza. We need to go.”

Kane tensed, then looked around. “I need to find Harp.”

“It’s okay; I’ll tell her,” I assured him.

He handed me his keys, and for the briefest, most wonderful of moments, I thought he was going to lean down and kiss me. But instead, he just said, “Thanks.”

As Hudson Reed met him and Sam, and the trio walked out in purposeful strides, I struggled to conceal the disappointment and urgency that was sweeping through me. If this were a movie, an explosion would have just gone off behind them, and they would be the badass action stars walking off screen.

“Hey, you okay?” Harmony asked as she joined me and linked her arm through mine.

“What’s going on?” I asked her.

She shrugged. “I don’t know all the details, but they’ve been working on a big case. They must have gotten a break in it.”


Harmony sighed. “I hate this part.”

I looked over at her. “What part?”

“The not knowing if this is the last time I’m going to see him.”

Academically, I’d known that Kane was a police officer, but I hadn’t considered the risks of what that meant. If he had worked in a big city, the thought would have probably crossed my mind. In Wishing Well, I truly hadn’t considered that his job would be dangerous.

I suddenly wished I hadn’t waited to say all the things I wanted to tell him. Suddenly, all the reasons and excuses I’d been using not to talk to him about how I felt seemed silly and ridiculous. He didn’t know how I felt, he didn’t know that I loved him, that I’d been in love with him my entire life, and, no matter what happened between us, I always would.



“Sometimes lovin’ someone is a show not tell situation.” ~ Miss Dottie

“Are you gonna tell me what that was about, or should I guess?” Sam asked as he drove from the Briggs farm to the station, so we could change and get briefed.

“What?” Even though I knew exactly what he was referring to, I asked.

“I thought you were gonna drop Calhoun with an elbow WWE-style.”

I would have. There was no way in hell I was gonna let him get that garter after Ruby caught the bouquet. I’d seen the way he looked at her when they were dancing together. He wanted her, and all I could think when I saw the way he was looking at her was ‘mine.’

“You love her,” Sam stated what I already knew.

I did. I wasn’t sure when I’d fallen in love with her; maybe it happened the first day at the gas station. Maybe it was the first time I’d seen her interact with Harper at the senior home. Maybe it was the first time we danced together at the Tipsy Cow. Maybe it was our first kiss on my couch.
